The Experience of Musculoskeletal Discomfort Amongst Bank Tellers Who Just Sit, Just Stand or Sit and Stand at Work

Category Primary study
Year 2002
Bank tellers are an occupational group at risk of musculoskeletal disorders due the physical and mental task demands. In an effort to reduce physical demands banks have introduced stools for tellers. However the literature suggests that constrained sitting or constrained standing are risk factors and that alternating work postures may be preferable. This study recorded the discomfort and preferences of 30 bank tellers who worked in just sitting, just standing and alternating sitting and standing work postures. Greatest discomfort in the upper limb was noted in the just sitting posture and greatest discomfort in the lower limb and back was reported for the just standing posture. Alternating between sitting and standing resulted in least discomfort and was reported as the preferred posture by 70% of subjects. Possible mechanisms for this pattern of results are discussed and alternating work postures recommended for bank tellers.
Epistemonikos ID: cecc928db37f45c466709b4aba69fcd1da4c1f08
First added on: Jan 21, 2019