Generating matrix of evidence


A unique feature of Epistemonikos is that it connects systematic reviews and their included studies. This allows clustering systematic reviews based on the primary studies they have in common. The concept of 'systematic reviews sharing included studies' is a proxy of 'systematic reviews answering a similar question'.

A matrix of evidence is a tabular way of displaying the cluster of systematic reviews that share included studies, and all the studies included in these reviews. It is automatically created based on the connections of the database, and can be trimmed by the user in order to reflect an accurate body of evidence for a specific question.

This tool allows you to create your own matrix.
It will be saved in your account, and will not be visible to other users

The matrix that will be created from this review contains Systematic reviews / Primary studies. loading

loading See the Matrix as a table (Recommended) See the Matrix as a list of documents (Recommended)

The matrix of evidence is created based on the primary studies that systematic reviews have in common. For this reason it is not possible to generate a matrix of evidence from an empty review (i.e. a review that did not include any study)

This matrix will not be available until Epistemonikos collaborators finish uploading all the relevant information. If you want them to prioritize this review send an email to

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8 Primary studies 87.5%Randomized controlled trial (RCT)7 / 8
Friedly JL2014Botwin KP2002Radcliff K2013Manchikanti L2012Wilson-MacDonal..2005Fukusaki M1998Koc Z2009Cuckler JM1985
9 Systematic reviews
Abdi S2007Koes BW1995Bicket MC2013Parr AT2009Liu K2015Pinto RZ2012Novak S2008Benyamin RM2012Boswell MV2003
References ( articles) loading Revert Studify