Primary studies included in this systematic review

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Primary study


Journal Occupational and environmental medicine
Year 2008
Objectives: To examine the efficacy of a participatory ergonomics intervention in preventing musculoskeletal disorders among kitchen workers. Participatory ergonomics is commonly recommended to reduce musculoskeletal disorders, but evidence for its effectiveness is sparse. Methods: A cluster randomised controlled trial among the 504 workers of 119 kitchens in Finland was conducted during 2002-2005. Kitchens were randomised to an intervention (n = 59) and control (n = 60) group. The duration of the intervention that guided the workers to identify strenuous work tasks and to seek solutions for decreasing physical and mental workload, was 11 to 14 months. In total, 402 ergonomic changes were implemented. The main outcome measures were the occurrence of and trouble caused by musculoskeletal pain in seven anatomical sites, local fatigue after work, and sick leave due to musculoskeletal disorders. Individual level data were collected by a questionnaire at baseline and every 3 months during the intervention and 1-year follow-up period. All response rates exceeded 92%. Results: No systematic differences in any outcome variable were found between the intervention and control groups during the intervention or during the 1-year follow-up. Conclusions: The intervention did not reduce perceived physical work load and no evidence was found for the efficacy of the intervention in preventing musculoskeletal disorders among kitchen workers. It may be that a more comprehensive redesign of work organisation and processes is needed, taking more account of workers' physical and mental resources.

Primary study


Journal Journal of occupational rehabilitation
Year 2007
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effects of ambulant myofeedback training including ergonomic counselling (Mfb) and ergonomic counselling alone (EC), on work-related neck-shoulder pain and disability. METHODS: Seventy-nine female computer workers reporting neck-shoulder complaints were randomly assigned to Mfb or EC and received four weeks of intervention. Pain intensity in neck, shoulders, and upper back, and pain disability, were measured at baseline, immediately after intervention, and at three and six months follow-up. RESULTS: Pain intensity and disability had significantly decreased immediately after four weeks Mfb or EC, and the effects remained at follow up. No differences were observed between the Mfb and EC group for outcome and subjects in both intervention groups showed comparable chances for improvement in pain intensity and disability. CONCLUSIONS: Pain intensity and disability significantly reduced after both interventions and this effect remained at follow-up. No differences were observed between the two intervention groups.

Primary study


Journal Pain
Year 2007
This study assessed the effectiveness of a single intervention targeting work style and a combined intervention targeting work style and physical activity on the recovery from neck and upper limb symptoms. Computer workers with frequent or long-term neck and upper limb symptoms were randomised into the work style group (WS, n=152), work style and physical activity group (WSPA, n=156), or usual care group (n=158). The WS and WSPA group attended six group meetings. All meetings focused on behavioural change with regard to body posture, workplace adjustment, breaks and coping with high work demands (WS and WSPA group) and physical activity (WSPA group). Pain, disability at work, days with symptoms and months without symptoms were measured at baseline and after 6 (T1) and 12 months (T2). Self-reported recovery was assessed at T1/T2. Both interventions were ineffective in improving recovery. The work style intervention but not the combined intervention was effective in reducing all pain measures. These effects were present in the neck/shoulder, not in the arm/wrist/hand. For the neck/shoulder, the work style intervention group also showed an increased recovery-rate. Total physical activity increased in all study groups but no differences between groups were observed. To conclude, a group-based work style intervention focused on behavioural change was effective in improving recovery from neck/shoulder symptoms and reducing pain on the long-term. The combined intervention was ineffective in increasing total physical activity. Therefore we cannot draw conclusions on the effect of increasing physical activity on the recovery from neck and upper limb symptoms.

Primary study


Journal International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics
Year 2006
ABSTRACT : This study investigated the long-term effects of vertical monitor placement in 150 ordinary offices workers. Random assignment was used in creating a high line-of-sight (HLS) group (n=75) and a downward line-of-sight (DLS) (n=75) group. The line-of-sight to the midpoint of the screen was 15° below horizontal for the HLS-group and 30° for the DLS-group. Measurements were taken at set-up and again 12 months later. Significant differences, favouring the DLS-group compared to HLS-group, were found for subjective symptoms, oculomotor capacity, and self-reported sick leave. The DLS-group exhibited flexion of both the neck and back about 5° more than the HLS-group. No differences were found for work-related diagnoses, traditional clinical measures, or electromyographic activity. The results correspond with previous laboratory findings and give additional empirical support from natural work environments to the beneficial effect of DLS in visual display unit (VDU) work. RELEVANCE FOR INDUSTRY VDUs are widely used in industry. Vertical monitor placement is an important factor in the discussion about negative health effects associated with VDUs. Knowledge about health effects of different line-of-sight in ordinary offices and the concordance of results between field and experimental settings has importance for future guidelines.

Primary study


Journal Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health
Year 2003
OBJECTIVES: This study evaluated the effects on work-related neck and upper-limb disorders among computer workers stimulated (by a software program) to take regular breaks and perform physical exercises. Possible effects on sick leave and productivity were studied as well. A randomized controlled design was used with cluster randomization. Altogether 268 computer workers with complaints in the neck or an upper limb from 22 office locations were randomized into a control group, one intervention group stimulated to take extra breaks and one intervention group stimulated to perform exercises during the extra breaks during an 8-weekperiod. Questionnaires were administered before andafter the intervention, and questions were generated by the software during the intervention period. Computer usage was recorded online. RESULTS: The data on self-reported recovery suggested a favorable effect; more subjects in the intervention groups than in the control group reported recovery (55% versus 34%) from their complaints and fewer reported deterioration (4% versus 20%). However, a comparison between the reported pre- and postintervention scores on the severity and frequency of the complaints showed no significant differences in the change among the three groups. No effects on sick leave were observed. The subjects in the intervention groups showed higher productivity. CONCLUSIONS: The use of a software program stimulating workers to take regular breaks contributes to perceived recovery from neck or upper-limb complaints. There seems to be no additional effects from performing physical exercises during these breaks.

Primary study


ABSTRACT : The aim of this randomized, controlled intervention study among operators in the aluminum industry in Norway was to examine the effects of a 1-year training program on musculoskeletal symptoms, psychosocial factors and coping. The program consisted of 10 meetings and focused on awareness of preventing musculoskeletal symptoms and on the process of promoting musculoskeletal health in the work environment. Three types of intervention groups comprised 549 workers from eight plants: (1) shift group with supervisor; (2) shift group without supervisor; and (3) managers only. A total of 721 workers were in a control group from the production line and 3699 workers in a control group from other sections. The number of operators included in the final evaluation was 2181. The effects were measured using a questionnaire including items on musculoskeletal symptoms, coping, job demands, control and social support. Participants in the intervention group, “operators without a supervisor”, used coping strategies more often and tended towards increased social support. We found no significant changes in musculoskeletal symptoms. The intervention groups implemented changes in the work environment such as redesigning the workplace, changing working tools and increasing job variation. We suggest that there will be further improvements when the changes implemented by the intervention groups have been in place longer. RELEVANCE TO INDUSTRY Industry uses various programs to reduce musculoskeletal disorders. However, their effects on health are little known. This study shows that training and actively involving the workers in solving specific problems in the work environment influence coping with musculoskeletal symptoms. This is important for preventing occupational disability from musculoskeletal disorders.

Primary study


Journal Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health
Year 2002
OBJECTIVES: This study evaluated the effect of an intensive ergonomic approach and education on workstation changes and musculoskeletal disorders among workers who used a video display unit (VDU). METHODS: A randomized controlled design was used. The subjects (N=124) were allocated into three groups (intensive ergonomics, ergonomic education, reference) using stratified random sampling. The evaluation involved questionnaires, a diary of discomfort, measurements of workload, and an ergonomic rating of the workstations. The assessments were made 2 weeks before the intervention and after 2 and 10 months of follow-up. RESULTS: The intensive and training groups showed less musculoskeletal discomfort than the reference group after 2 months of follow-up. Positive effects on discomfort were seen primarily for the shoulder, neck, and upper back areas. No significant differences were found for the strain levels or prevalence of pain. After the intervention the ergonomic level was distinctly higher in the intensive ergonomic group than in the education or reference group. CONCLUSIONS: Both the intensive ergonomics approach and education in ergonomics help reduce discomfort in VDU work. In attempts to improve the physical ergonomics of VDU workstations, the best result will be achieved with cooperative planning in which both workers and practitioners are actively involved.

Primary study


Journal Journal of rehabilitation medicine : official journal of the UEMS European Board of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
Year 2001
The effects of two different prevention programmes on: (1) reported neck, shoulder and back pain, (2) perceived physical exertion at work and perceived work-related psychosocial factors, were evaluated by questionnaires after 12 and 18 months. Female nursing aides and assistant nurses (n = 282) working in the home-care services, were randomly assigned to one of three groups for: (1) individually designed physical training programme, (2) work-place stress management, (3) control group. Results revealed no significant differences between the three groups. However, improvements in low back pain were registered within both intervention groups for up to 18 months. Perceived physical exertion at work was reduced in the physical training group. Improvements in neck and shoulder pain did not differ within the three groups. Dissatisfaction with work-related, psychosocial factors was generally increased in all groups. As the aetiology of neck, shoulder and back disorders is multifactorial, a combination of the two intervention programmes might be preferable and should be further studied.

Primary study


Authors Hedge A , Morimoto S , McCrobie D
Journal Ergonomics
Year 1999
The effects of a downward-tilting (DT) keyboard tray on wrist posture, seated posture and self-assessed musculoskeletal discomfort were investigated in a field experiment. Thirty-eight professional office workers were studied. A pretest assessed how they typed using either a conventional keyboard on a desk or on an articulating keyboard tray, and with or without wrist rests. Workers were randomly allocated to a control (n = 15) or test group (n = 23) that used their existing keyboard in a DT system. A post-test was conducted 3 weeks later. Results showed no significant changes in wrist posture, seated posture or reports of musculoskeletal discomfort for the control group, and approximately 50% of typing wrist movements put the hand in a neutral zone. There were significant improvements in wrist posture, seated posture and upper body musculoskeletal discomfort for the test group using the DT system. Over 80% of typing wrist movements put the hand into a neutral zone with the DT arrangement. Reactions to using a conventional keyboard on a DT system were positive.

Primary study


Authors Kamwendo K , Linton SJ
Journal Scandinavian journal of rehabilitation medicine
Year 1992
The effect of "neck school" on neck and shoulder disorders was studied in medical secretaries. A neck school reinforced with compliance enhancing measures (group B) was compared with a traditional neck school (group A) and a control group (group C). The results show that ergonomical knowledge was good even before the secretaries attended the neck schools and that compliance was significantly higher for group B. When comparisons were made within groups some improvements on neck and shoulder fatigue and pain were noted, particularly for group B. When workload was controlled no significant group differences were found. No differences were noted for range of neck motion, or sick leave in any group. Our conclusion is that neck schools, despite good compliance, appear to be of limited clinical value for prevention of neck and shoulder disorders.