Prehospital ultrasound detects pericardial tamponade in a pregnant victim of stabbing assault.

Category Primary study
Year 2008
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The development of handheld, portable ultrasound devices has enabled the use of this diagnostic tool also in the out-of-hospital environment. We report on a pregnant teenager who was found haemodynamically unstable after a stab assault. When she suffered cardiac arrest shortly thereafter, diagnosis of cardiac tamponade was made by portable ultrasound, and immediate pericardiocentesis was performed by the emergency physician. While her baby died after emergency Caesarean section, the teenager survived after thoracotomy and prolonged resuscitation without neurological sequelae.
Epistemonikos ID: 4d2855f47228607ad504b9b7ae6b441dfa7ce4ce
First added on: Jan 20, 2012