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Broad synthesis


Journal European Geriatric Medicine
Year 2017
Since a clear definition of early osteoarthritis (EOA) has not been set up, some critical questions concern its diagnosis and treatment. The upcoming of newly available drugs and innovative therapeutic approaches, such as regenerative medicine, foster a better knowledge of the problem by medical community. We have carried out an updated systematic review on both PubMed and Embase databases, searching for all the studies and researches published in medical literature in the last 32 years, addressing the issue of EOA definition, diagnosis, and treatment, with a special focus on EOA at hip and knee. Our review found out 211 and 447 (published from 1973 to 2015) articles, when searching on PubMed and Embase database, respectively. Among the 132 papers that met our inclusion criteria, only 1 article explicitly addressed the issue of EOA definition, but it was only an expert opinion, while all the other researches were focused on diagnosis or management of EOA. EOA has been defined with regards to the younger age of osteoarthritis onset and radiological damage (grade I–II of the Kellgren and Lawrence classification). A more clear classification of EOA, based on characteristics and symptoms of affected patients, should be delivered by scientific community in order to better identify subjects who might benefit from new expensive drugs and innovative therapeutic approaches.

Broad synthesis / Overview of systematic reviews


Journal Evidence report/technology assessment
Year 2007
OBJECTIVES: Systematic review of outcomes of three treatments for osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee: intra-articular viscosupplementation; oral glucosamine, chondroitin or the combination; and arthroscopic lavage or debridement. DATA SOURCES: We abstracted data from: 42 randomized, controlled trials (RCTs) of viscosupplementation, all but one synthesized among six meta-analyses; 21 RCTs of glucosamine/chondroitin, 16 synthesized among 6 meta-analyses; and 23 articles on arthroscopy. The search included foreign-language studies and relevant conference proceedings. REVIEW METHODS: The review methods were defined prospectively in a written protocol. We sought systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and RCTs published in full or in abstract. Where randomized trials were few, we sought other study designs. We independently assessed the quality of all primary studies. RESULTS: Viscosupplementation trials generally report positive effects on pain and function scores compared to placebo, but the evidence on clinical benefit is uncertain, due to variable trial quality, potential publication bias, and unclear clinical significance of the changes reported. The Glucosamine/Chondroitin Arthritis Intervention Trial (GAIT), a large (n=1,583), high-quality, National Institutes of Health-funded, multicenter RCT showed no significant difference compared to placebo. Glucosamine sulfate has been reported to be more effective than glucosamine hydrochloride, which was used in GAIT, but the evidence is not sufficient to draw conclusions. Clinical studies of glucosamine effect on glucose metabolism are short term, or if longer (e.g., 3 years), excluded patients with metabolic disorders. The best available evidence for arthroscopy, a single sham-controlled RCT (n=180), showed that arthroscopic lavage with or without debridement was equivalent to placebo. The main limitations of this trial are the use of a single surgeon and enrollment of patients at a single Veterans Affairs Medical Center. No studies reported separately on patients with secondary OA of the knee. The only comparative study was an underpowered, poor-quality trial comparing viscosupplementation to arthroscopy with debridement. CONCLUSIONS: Osteoarthritis of the knee is a common condition. The three interventions reviewed in this report are widely used in the treatment of OA of the knee, yet the best available evidence does not clearly demonstrate clinical benefit. Uncertainty regarding clinical benefit can be resolved only by rigorous, multicenter RCTs. In addition, given the public health impact of OA of the knee, research on new approaches to prevention and treatment should be given high priority.