Effects of cervical traction and exercise therapy in cervical spondylosis.

Category Primary study
JournalBangladesh Medical Research Council bulletin
Year 2002
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A randomised clinical trial was conducted in the Department of Physical Medicine, Chittagong Medical College Hospital from July, 2001 to June, 2002. The objectives of the study were to find out the effects of cervical traction (CT) and exercise on the patients with chronic cervical spondylosis. A total of 199 patients with cervical spondylosis were included in the clinical trial. One hundred patients were treated with cervical traction plus exercise and 99 patients were treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). Posture correction advice was given to all patients. The patients were treated for 6 weeks. There was a marked improvement in both the groups after treatment (P<0.001). But there was nearly significant difference regarding improvement in treatment with CT plus exercise than with NSAID (P = 0.06). The results indicate that the improvement of the patients with chronic cervical spondylosis was more in CT plus exercise than analgesics. So, CT & neck muscle strengthening exercise may have some more beneficial effects than NSAIDs on chronic cervical spondylosis.
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