Primary studies included in this broad synthesis

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Primary study


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We did a cost-effectiveness analysis alongside a cluster-randomised controlled trial of a participatory intervention with women's groups to improve birth outcomes in rural Nepal. The average provider cost of the women's group intervention was US0.75 dollars per person per year (0.90 dollars with health-service strengthening) in a population of 86,704. The incremental cost per life-year saved (LYS) was 211 dollars (251 dollars), and expansion could rationalise on start-up costs and technical assistance, reducing the cost per LYS to 138 dollars (179 dollars). Sensitivity analysis showed a variation from 83 dollars to 263 dollars per LYS for most variables. This intervention could provide a cost-effective way of reducing neonatal deaths.

Primary study


Journal Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association
Year 2005
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OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effect on neonatal and infant mortality during 10 years (1993 to 2003) in the field trial of home-based neonatal care (HBNC) in Gadchiroli. To estimate the contribution of the individual components in the intervention package on the observed effect. STUDY DESIGN: The field trial of HBNC in Gadchiroli, India, has completed the baseline phase (1993 to 1995), observational phase (1995 to 1996) and the 7 years of intervention (1996 to 2003). We measured the stillbirth rate (SBR), neonatal mortality rate (NMR), perinatal mortality rate (PMR), postneonatal mortality rate (PNMR) and the infant mortality rate (IMR) in the intervention area and the control area. The effect of HBNC on all these rates was estimated by comparing the change from baseline (1993 to 1995) to the last 2 years of intervention (2001 to 2003) in the intervention area vs in the control area. For other estimates, we made a before-after comparison of the rates in the intervention arm in the observation year (1995 to 1996) vs intervention years (1996 to 2003). We evaluated the effect on the cause-specific NMRs. By using the changes in the incidence and case fatality (CF) of the four main morbidities, we estimated the contribution of primary prevention and of the management of sick neonates. The proportion of deaths averted by different components of HBNC was estimated. RESULTS: The baseline population in 39 intervention villages was 39,312 and in 47 control villages it was 42,617, and the population characteristics and vital rates were similar. The total number of live births in 10 years (1993 to 2003) were 8811 and 9990, respectively. The NMR in the control area showed an increase from 58 in 1993 to 1995 to 64 in 2001 to 2003. The NMR in the intervention area declined from 62 to 25; the reduction in comparison to the control area was by 44 points (70%, 95% CI 59 to 81%). Early NMR decreased by 24 points (64%) and late NMR by 20 points (80%). The SBR decreased by 16 points (49%) and the PMR by 38 points (56%). The PNMR did not change, and the IMR decreased by 43 points (57%, 95% CI 46 to 68%). All reductions were highly significant (p<0.001) except for SBR it was <0.05. The cause-specific NMR (1995 to 1996 vs 2001 to 2003) for sepsis decreased by 90%, for asphyxia by 53% and for prematurity by 38%. The total reduction in neonatal mortality during intervention (1996 to 2003) was ascribed to sepsis management, 36%; supportive care of low birth weight (LBW) neonates, 34%; asphyxia management, 19%; primary prevention, 7% and management of other illnesses or unexplained, 4%. CONCLUSIONS: The HBNC package in the Gadchiroli field trial reduced the neonatal and perinatal mortality by large margins, and the gains were sustained at the end of the 7 years of intervention and were carried forward as improved survival through the first year of life. Most of the reduction in mortality was ascribed to sickness management, that is, management of sepsis, supportive care of LBW neonates and management of asphyxia, in that order, and a small portion to primary prevention.

Primary study


Journal Health policy and planning
Year 2005
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A systematic review was conducted to categorize and describe Intervention Models involving community health workers (CHWs) that aim to improve case management of sick children at the household and community levels. The review focused on management of children with signs of malaria or pneumonia. Seven Intervention Models were identified, and classified according to: (1) the role of CHWs and families in assessment and treatment of children, (2) system of referral to the nearest health facility (verbal or facilitated), and (3) the location in the community of the drug stock. Standardization of terminology for Intervention Models using this or a similar classification could facilitate comparison and selection of models, including deciding how to modify programmes when policies change concerning first-line drugs, and setting priorities for further research. Of the seven models, that of CHW pneumonia case management (Model 6) has the strongest evidence for an impact on mortality. Pneumonia case management by CHWs is a child health intervention that warrants considerably more attention, particularly in Africa and South Asia.

Primary study


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BACKGROUND: Neonatal deaths in developing countries make the largest contribution to global mortality in children younger than 5 years. 90% of deliveries in the poorest quintile of households happen at home. We postulated that a community-based participatory intervention could significantly reduce neonatal mortality rates. METHODS: We pair-matched 42 geopolitical clusters in Makwanpur district, Nepal, selected 12 pairs randomly, and randomly assigned one of each pair to intervention or control. In each intervention cluster (average population 7000), a female facilitator convened nine women's group meetings every month. The facilitator supported groups through an action-learning cycle in which they identified local perinatal problems and formulated strategies to address them. We monitored birth outcomes in a cohort of 28?931 women, of whom 8% joined the groups. The primary outcome was neonatal mortality rate. Other outcomes included stillbirths and maternal deaths, uptake of antenatal and delivery services, home care practices, infant morbidity, and health-care seeking. Analysis was by intention to treat. The study is registered as an International Standard Randomised Controlled Trial, number ISRCTN31137309. FINDINGS: From 2001 to 2003, the neonatal mortality rate was 26.2 per 1000 (76 deaths per 2899 livebirths) in intervention clusters compared with 36.9 per 1000 (119 deaths per 3226 livebirths) in controls (adjusted odds ratio 0.70 [95% CI 0.53-0.94]). Stillbirth rates were similar in both groups. The maternal mortality ratio was 69 per 100000 (two deaths per 2899 livebirths) in intervention clusters compared with 341 per 100000 (11 deaths per 3226 livebirths) in control clusters (0.22 [0.05-0.90]). Women in intervention clusters were more likely to have antenatal care, institutional delivery, trained birth attendance, and hygienic care than were controls. INTERPRETATION: Birth outcomes in a poor rural population improved greatly through a low cost, potentially sustainable and scalable, participatory intervention with women's groups.

Primary study


Authors Kidane G , Morrow RH
Journal Lancet
Year 2000
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BACKGROUND: No satisfactory strategy for reducing high child mortality from malaria has yet been established in tropical Africa. We compared the effect on under-5 mortality of teaching mothers to promptly provide antimalarials to their sick children at home, with the present community health worker approach. METHODS: Of 37 tabias (cluster of villages) in two districts with hyperendemic to holoendemic malaria, tabias reported to have the highest malaria morbidity were selected. A census was done which included a maternity history to determine under-5 mortality. Tabias (population 70,506) were paired according to under-5 mortality rates. One tabia from each pair was allocated by random number to an intervention group and the other was allocated to the control group. In the intervention tabias, mother coordinators were trained to teach other local mothers to recognise symptoms of malaria in their children and to promptly give chloroquine. In both intervention and control tabias, all births and deaths of under-5s were recorded monthly. FINDINGS: From January to December 1997, 190 of 6383 (29.8 per 1000) children under-5 died in the intervention tabias compared with 366 of 7294 (50.2 per 1000) in the control tabias. Under-5 mortality was reduced by 40% in the intervention localities (95% CI from 29.2-50.6; paired t test, p<0.003). For every third child who died, a structured verbal autopsy was undertaken to ascribe cause of mortality as consistent with malaria or possible malaria, or not consistent with malaria. Of the 190 verbal autopsies, 13 (19%) of 70 in the intervention tabias were consistent with possible malaria compared with 68 (57%) of 120 in the control tabias. INTERPRETATION: A major reduction in under-5 mortality can be achieved in holoendemic malaria areas through training local mother coordinators to teach mothers to give under-5 children antimalarial drugs.

Primary study


Journal Lancet
Year 1999
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BACKGROUND: Neonatal care is not available to most neonates in developing countries because hospitals are inaccessible and costly. We developed a package of home-based neonatal care, including management of sepsis (septicaemia, meningitis, pneumonia), and tested it in the field, with the hypothesis that it would reduce the neonatal mortality rate by at least 25% in 3 years. METHODS: We chose 39 intervention and 47 control villages in the Gadchiroli district in India, collected baseline data for 2 years (1993-95), and then introduced neonatal care in the intervention villages (1995-98). Village health workers trained in neonatal care made home visits and managed birth asphyxia, premature birth or low birthweight, hypothermia, and breast-feeding problems. They diagnosed and treated neonatal sepsis. Assistance by trained traditional birth attendants, health education, and fortnightly supervisory visits were also provided. Other workers recorded all births and deaths in the intervention and the control area (1993-98) to estimate mortality rates. FINDINGS: Population characteristics in the intervention and control areas, and the baseline mortality rates (1993-95) were similar. Baseline (1993-95) neonatal mortality rate in the intervention and the control areas was 62 and 58 per 1000 live births, respectively. In the third year of intervention 93% of neonates received home-based care. Neonatal, infant, and perinatal mortality rates in the intervention area (net percentage reduction) compared with the control area, were 25.5 (62.2%), 38.8 (45.7%), and 47.8 (71.0%), respectively (p<0.001). Case fatality in neonatal sepsis declined from 16.6% (163 cases) before treatment, to 2.8% (71 cases) after treatment by village health workers (p<0.01). Home-based neonatal care cost US$5.3 per neonate, and in 1997-98 such care averted one death (fetal or neonatal) per 18 neonates cared for. INTERPRETATION: Home-based neonatal care, including management of sepsis, is acceptable, feasible, and reduced neonatal and infant mortality by nearly 50% among our malnourished, illiterate, rural study population. Our approach could reduce neonatal mortality substantially in developing countries.