AIM: to assess the efficacy of psychosocial interventions delivered through task-sharing approaches for preventing perinatal common mental disorders among women in low- and middle-income countries.
METHODS: We conducted a systematic review of randomized controlled trials following a prespecified protocol registered in the Open Science Framework ( We searched MEDLINE, Web of Science, PsycINFO, and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) through June 2022. Two reviewers independently extracted the data and evaluated the risk of bias of included studies using the Cochrane risk of bias tool. We performed random-effects meta-analyses and rated the certainty of evidence using the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE) approach.
RESULTS: We included 23 studies with 24,442 participants. At post-intervention, task-shared psychosocial interventions, were effective in preventing the development of mental disorders in general (RR 0.57, 95% CI [0.35, 0.91]), and specifically depression (RR 0.51, 95% CI [0.35, 0.75]), but not anxiety disorders (RR 0.46, 95% CI [0.06, 3.33]). Similarly, psychosocial interventions reduced psychological distress (SMD -1.32, 95% CI [-2.28, -0.35]), and depressive symptoms (SMD -0.50, 95% CI [-0.80, -0.16]), and increased parenting self-efficacy (SMD -0.76, 95% CI [-1.13, -0.38]) and social support (SMD -0.72, 95% CI [-1.22, -0.22]). No effect was detected for anxiety symptoms at post-intervention. At follow-up the beneficial effects of interventions progressively decreased.
CONCLUSIONS: Psychosocial interventions delivered through the task-sharing modality are effective in preventing perinatal common mental disorders and fostering positive mental health among women in low- and middle-income countries. However, our findings are tentative, due to the low number of preventative intervention strategies considering outcomes as the incidence of mental disorders, especially in the long-term. This evidence supports calls to implement and scale up psychosocial prevention interventions for perinatal common mental disorders in low- and middle-income countries.
BACKGROUND: The leading causes of mortality globally in children younger than five years of age (under-fives), and particularly in the regions of sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and Southern Asia, in 2018 were infectious diseases, including pneumonia (15%), diarrhoea (8%), malaria (5%) and newborn sepsis (7%) (UNICEF 2019). Nutrition-related factors contributed to 45% of under-five deaths (UNICEF 2019). World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), in collaboration with other development partners, have developed an approach - now known as integrated community case management (iCCM) - to bring treatment services for children 'closer to home'. The iCCM approach provides integrated case management services for two or more illnesses - including diarrhoea, pneumonia, malaria, severe acute malnutrition or neonatal sepsis - among under-fives at community level (i.e. outside of healthcare facilities) by lay health workers where there is limited access to health facility-based case management services (WHO/UNICEF 2012).
OBJECTIVES: To assess the effects of the integrated community case management (iCCM) strategy on coverage of appropriate treatment for childhood illness by an appropriate provider, quality of care, case load or severity of illness at health facilities, mortality, adverse events and coverage of careseeking for children younger than five years of age in low- and middle-income countries.
SEARCH METHODS: We searched CENTRAL, MEDLINE, Embase and CINAHL on 7 November 2019, Virtual Health Library on 8 November 2019, and Popline on 5 December 2018, three other databases on 22 March 2019 and two trial registers on 8 November 2019. We performed reference checking, and citation searching, and contacted study authors to identify additional studies.
SELECTION CRITERIA: Randomized controlled trials (RCTs), cluster-RCTs, controlled before-after studies (CBAs), interrupted time series (ITS) studies and repeated measures studies comparing generic WHO/UNICEF iCCM (or local adaptation thereof) for at least two iCCM diseases with usual facility services (facility treatment services) with or without single disease community case management (CCM). We included studies reporting on coverage of appropriate treatment for childhood illness by an appropriate provider, quality of care, case load or severity of illness at health facilities, mortality, adverse events and coverage of careseeking for under-fives in low- and middle-income countries.
DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: At least two review authors independently screened abstracts, screened full texts and extracted data using a standardised data collection form adapted from the EPOC Good Practice Data Collection Form. We resolved any disagreements through discussion or, if required, we consulted a third review author not involved in the original screening. We contacted study authors for clarification or additional details when necessary. We reported risk ratios (RR) for dichotomous outcomes and hazard ratios (HR) for time to event outcomes, with 95% confidence intervals (CI), adjusted for clustering, where possible. We used estimates of effect from the primary analysis reported by the investigators, where possible. We analysed the effects of randomized trials and other study types separately. We used the GRADE approach to assess the certainty of evidence.
MAIN RESULTS: We included seven studies, of which three were cluster RCTs and four were CBAs. Six of the seven studies were in SSA and one study was in Southern Asia. The iCCM components and inputs were fairly consistent across the seven studies with notable variation for the training and deployment component (e.g. on payment of iCCM providers) and the system component (e.g. on improving information systems). When compared to usual facility services, we are uncertain of the effect of iCCM on coverage of appropriate treatment from an appropriate provider for any iCCM illness (RR 0.96, 95% CI 0.77 to 1.19; 2 CBA studies, 5898 children; very low-certainty evidence). iCCM may have little to no effect on neonatal mortality (HR 1.01, 95% 0.73 to 1.28; 2 trials, 65,209 children; low-certainty evidence). We are uncertain of the effect of iCCM on infant mortality (HR 1.02, 95% CI 0.83 to 1.26; 2 trials, 60,480 children; very low-certainty evidence) and under-five mortality (HR 1.18, 95% CI 1.01 to 1.37; 1 trial, 4729 children; very low-certainty evidence). iCCM probably increases coverage of careseeking to an appropriate provider for any iCCM illness by 68% (RR 1.68, 95% CI 1.24 to 2.27; 2 trials, 9853 children; moderate-certainty evidence). None of the studies reported quality of care, severity of illness or adverse events for this comparison. When compared to usual facility services plus CCM for malaria, we are uncertain of the effect of iCCM on coverage of appropriate treatment from an appropriate provider for any iCCM illness (very low-certainty evidence) and iCCM may have little or no effect on careseeking to an appropriate provider for any iCCM illness (RR 1.06, 95% CI 0.97 to 1.17; 1 trial, 811 children; low-certainty evidence). None of the studies reported quality of care, case load or severity of illness at health facilities, mortality or adverse events for this comparison.
AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: iCCM probably increases coverage of careseeking to an appropriate provider for any iCCM illness. However, the evidence presented here underscores the importance of moving beyond training and deployment to valuing iCCM providers, strengthening health systems and engaging community systems.
Increasing exclusive breastfeeding rates is an established public health strategy to reduce chronic disease and protect infants from illness. The role of breastfeeding in addressing health disparities takes on new significance as the COVID-19 pandemic has disproportionately impacted some communities in Hawai'i, and those with chronic conditions face increased risk of hospitalization and death. However, there are myriad policy, systemic, and environmental barriers that make it difficult for parents to breastfeed, some of which have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. This editorial discusses the importance of breastfeeding in reducing chronic disease, reviews the status of breastfeeding in Hawai'i, explores the challenges parents face in breastfeeding their infants, especially in the time of COVID-19, and presents opportunities for improved access to lactation care to reduce health disparities.
INTRODUCTION: Indigenous Peoples worldwide endure unacceptable health disparities with undernutrition and food insecurity often coexisting with obesity and chronic diseases. Policy-level actions are required to eliminate malnutrition in all its forms. However, there has been no systematic synthesis of the evidence of effectiveness of food and nutrition policies for Indigenous Peoples around the world. This review fills that gap.
METHODS: Eight databases were searched for peer-reviewed literature, published between 2000 and 2019. Relevant websites were searched for grey literature. Articles were included if they were original studies, published in English and included data from Indigenous Peoples from Western colonised countries, evaluated a food or nutrition policy (or intervention), and provided quantitative impact/outcome data. Study screening, data extraction and quality assessment were undertaken independently by two authors, at least one of whom was Indigenous. A narrative synthesis was undertaken with studies grouped according to the NOURISHING food policy framework.
RESULTS: We identified 78 studies from Canada, Australia, Aotearoa/New Zealand and the USA. Most studies evaluated targeted interventions, focused on rural or remote Indigenous communities. The most effective interventions combined educational strategies with policies targeting food price, composition and/or availability, particularly in retail and school environments. Interventions to reduce exposure to unhealthy food advertising was the only area of the NOURISHING framework not represented in the literature. Few studies examined the impact of universal food policies on Indigenous Peoples' diets, health or well-being.
CONCLUSION: Both targeted and universal policy action can be effective for Indigenous Peoples. Actions that modify the structures and systems governing food supply through improved availability, access and affordability of healthy foods should be prioritised. More high-quality evidence on the impact of universal food and nutrition policy actions for Indigenous Peoples is required, particularly in urban areas and in the area of food marketing.
BACKGROUND: Multiple-micronutrient (MMN) deficiencies often coexist among women of reproductive age in low- and middle-income countries. They are exacerbated in pregnancy due to the increased demands of the developing fetus, leading to potentially adverse effects on the mother and baby. A consensus is yet to be reached regarding the replacement of iron and folic acid supplementation with MMNs. Since the last update of this Cochrane Review in 2017, evidence from several trials has become available. The findings of this review will be critical to inform policy on micronutrient supplementation in pregnancy.
OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the benefits of oral multiple-micronutrient supplementation during pregnancy on maternal, fetal and infant health outcomes.
SEARCH METHODS: For this 2018 update, on 23 February 2018 we searched Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth's Trials Register,, the WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP), and reference lists of retrieved studies. We also contacted experts in the field for additional and ongoing trials.
SELECTION CRITERIA: All prospective randomised controlled trials evaluating MMN supplementation with iron and folic acid during pregnancy and its effects on pregnancy outcomes were eligible, irrespective of language or the publication status of the trials. We included cluster-randomised trials, but excluded quasi-randomised trials. Trial reports that were published as abstracts were eligible.
DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Two review authors independently assessed trials for inclusion and risk of bias, extracted data and checked them for accuracy. We assessed the quality of the evidence using the GRADE approach.
MAIN RESULTS: We identified 21 trials (involving 142,496 women) as eligible for inclusion in this review, but only 20 trials (involving 141,849 women) contributed data. Of these 20 trials, 19 were conducted in low- and middle-income countries and compared MMN supplements with iron and folic acid to iron, with or without folic acid. One trial conducted in the UK compared MMN supplementation with placebo. In total, eight trials were cluster-randomised.MMN with iron and folic acid versus iron, with or without folic acid (19 trials)MMN supplementation probably led to a slight reduction in preterm births (average risk ratio (RR) 0.95, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.90 to 1.01; 18 trials, 91,425 participants; moderate-quality evidence), and babies considered small-for-gestational age (SGA) (average RR 0.92, 95% CI 0.88 to 0.97; 17 trials; 57,348 participants; moderate-quality evidence), though the CI for the pooled effect for preterm births just crossed the line of no effect. MMN reduced the number of newborn infants identified as low birthweight (LBW) (average RR 0.88, 95% CI 0.85 to 0.91; 18 trials, 68,801 participants; high-quality evidence). We did not observe any differences between groups for perinatal mortality (average RR 1.00, 95% CI 0.90 to 1.11; 15 trials, 63,922 participants; high-quality evidence). MMN supplementation led to slightly fewer stillbirths (average RR 0.95, 95% CI 0.86 to 1.04; 17 trials, 97,927 participants; high-quality evidence) but, again, the CI for the pooled effect just crossed the line of no effect. MMN supplementation did not have an important effect on neonatal mortality (average RR 1.00, 95% CI 0.89 to 1.12; 14 trials, 80,964 participants; high-quality evidence). We observed little or no difference between groups for the other maternal and pregnancy outcomes: maternal anaemia in the third trimester (average RR 1.04, 95% CI 0.94 to 1.15; 9 trials, 5912 participants), maternal mortality (average RR 1.06, 95% CI 0.72 to 1.54; 6 trials, 106,275 participants), miscarriage (average RR 0.99, 95% CI 0.94 to 1.04; 12 trials, 100,565 participants), delivery via a caesarean section (average RR 1.13, 95% CI 0.99 to 1.29; 5 trials, 12,836 participants), and congenital anomalies (average RR 1.34, 95% CI 0.25 to 7.12; 2 trials, 1958 participants). However, MMN supplementation probably led to a reduction in very preterm births (average RR 0.81, 95% CI 0.71 to 0.93; 4 trials, 37,701 participants). We were unable to assess a number of prespecified, clinically important outcomes due to insufficient or non-available data.When we assessed primary outcomes according to GRADE criteria, the quality of evidence for the review overall was moderate to high. We graded the following outcomes as high quality: LBW, perinatal mortality, stillbirth, and neonatal mortality. The outcomes of preterm birth and SGA we graded as moderate quality; both were downgraded for funnel plot asymmetry, indicating possible publication bias.We carried out sensitivity analyses excluding trials with high levels of sample attrition (> 20%). We found that results were consistent with the main analyses for all outcomes. We explored heterogeneity through subgroup analyses by maternal height, maternal body mass index (BMI), timing of supplementation, dose of iron, and MMN supplement formulation (UNIMMAP versus non-UNIMMAP). There was a greater reduction in preterm births for women with low BMI and among those who took non-UNIMMAP supplements. We also observed subgroup differences for maternal BMI and maternal height for SGA, indicating greater impact among women with greater BMI and height. Though we found that MMN supplementation made little or no difference to perinatal mortality, the analysis demonstrated substantial statistical heterogeneity. We explored this heterogeneity using subgroup analysis and found differences for timing of supplementation, whereby higher impact was observed with later initiation of supplementation. For all other subgroup analyses, the findings were inconclusive.MMN versus placebo (1 trial)A single trial in the UK found little or no important effect of MMN supplementation on preterm births, SGA, or LBW but did find a reduction in maternal anaemia in the third trimester (RR 0.66, 95% CI 0.51 to 0.85), when compared to placebo. This trial did not measure our other outcomes.
AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest a positive impact of MMN supplementation with iron and folic acid on several birth outcomes. MMN supplementation in pregnancy led to a reduction in babies considered LBW, and probably led to a reduction in babies considered SGA. In addition, MMN probably reduced preterm births. No important benefits or harms of MMN supplementation were found for mortality outcomes (stillbirths, perinatal and neonatal mortality). These findings may provide some basis to guide the replacement of iron and folic acid supplements with MMN supplements for pregnant women residing in low- and middle-income countries.
OBJECTIVES: To identify and map existing postnatal educational interventions targeting parents in low and middle-income countries. A secondary objective is to conduct a critical analysis of the strengths and limitations of the educational strategies used for parent-targeted postnatal education. Design & data sources: Using scoping review methodology, MedLine, CINAHL, and SCOPUS were searched in October 2017.
REVIEW METHODS: All studies published after 2000 reporting on educational interventions that targeted parents from the period of birth to 6 weeks postnatally in low and middle-income countries were included. Studies were excluded if they targeted healthcare professionals or were community interventions that spanned antenatal to postnatal care. Title, abstract and full-text screening was conducted by two reviewers.
RESULTS: We initially identified 9284 articles with 77 articles included after title, abstract and full-text screening. Most of the studies were quantitative (94%) with over half published after 2014. Most studies (61%) targeted a single newborn care education intervention, of which 75% targeted breastfeeding. Interventions used on average three different methods of implementation (e.g., verbal, written information, counselling). Interventions were provided in the hospital (76%), at home (23%), at a clinic/hospital (8%), and/or virtually through an eHealth intervention, including phone or text messages (12%). Maternal outcomes primarily included knowledge, self-efficacy, anxiety and stress while newborn outcomes primarily included exclusive breastfeeding, weight gain at follow-up, and morbidities. Positive changes were found to occur for reported maternal outcomes (89%) and newborn outcomes (56%).
CONCLUSIONS: Parent-targeted education varied in terms of educational topics covered, method and location of intervention, and outcomes examined. While the best strategies of implementing postnatal education interventions to parents in low and middle-income countries is yet to be determined, evidence suggests that current interventions had a positive impact on parents' outcomes using a combined approach. Further work is needed to evaluate the impact on newborn outcomes and to identify the most effective methods and timing of the interventions.
findings from systematic reviews into infant feeding and later adiposity are largely negative. World Health Organization (WHO) is auspicing Healthy Life Trajectories Initiative (HeLTI), a suite of trials aiming to prevent overweight/obesity in childhood. To inform planning, this narrative review sought to detail potentially effective components of nutrition-related interventions involving children aged 0 to 2 years. Systematic searches of PubMed and the Cochrane Library (2006-2016) identified 108 systematic reviews. These included 31 randomized trials in the age group of interest. Of these, 11 reported greater than or equal to 1 statistically significant (P < 0.05) benefit on body weight and/or composition. Six multicomponent trials whose interventions incorporated education to promote breastfeeding (four trials), responsive feeding (two trials), and healthy diet (eg, increasing fruit and vegetables and limiting unhealthy snack foods; five trials), delivered through home visits or at baby health clinics, reported relative reductions in body mass index (BMI) at the end of intervention. Early benefits were not maintained in the two trials reporting follow-up 1 to 3 years later. Other potentially effective approaches included lower protein formulas in formula-fed infants and education around reducing sugar-sweetened beverages. There is some evidence that infant feeding interventions can have a transient positive impact on a child's BMI. It is not known whether ongoing intervention can avoid the subsequent expected wash-out.
EDITORIAL NOTE: This Cochrane review is now out of date and should not be used for reference. It has been split into four age groups and updated. Please refer to the 5‐11 and 12‐18 age group Cochrane reviews which were published in May 2024: The 2‐4 age group Cochrane review is planned for publication in September 2024.
BACKGROUND: Prevention of childhood obesity is an international public health priority given the significant impact of obesity on acute and chronic diseases, general health, development and well-being. The international evidence base for strategies to prevent obesity is very large and is accumulating rapidly. This is an update of a previous review.
OBJECTIVES: To determine the effectiveness of a range of interventions that include diet or physical activity components, or both, designed to prevent obesity in children.
SEARCH METHODS: We searched CENTRAL, MEDLINE, Embase, PsychINFO and CINAHL in June 2015. We re-ran the search from June 2015 to January 2018 and included a search of trial registers.
SELECTION CRITERIA: Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) of diet or physical activity interventions, or combined diet and physical activity interventions, for preventing overweight or obesity in children (0-17 years) that reported outcomes at a minimum of 12 weeks from baseline.
DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Two authors independently extracted data, assessed risk-of-bias and evaluated overall certainty of the evidence using GRADE. We extracted data on adiposity outcomes, sociodemographic characteristics, adverse events, intervention process and costs. We meta-analysed data as guided by the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions and presented separate meta-analyses by age group for child 0 to 5 years, 6 to 12 years, and 13 to 18 years for zBMI and BMI.
MAIN RESULTS: We included 153 RCTs, mostly from the USA or Europe. Thirteen studies were based in upper-middle-income countries (UMIC: Brazil, Ecuador, Lebanon, Mexico, Thailand, Turkey, US-Mexico border), and one was based in a lower middle-income country (LMIC: Egypt). The majority (85) targeted children aged 6 to 12 years.Children aged 0-5 years: There is moderate-certainty evidence from 16 RCTs (n = 6261) that diet combined with physical activity interventions, compared with control, reduced BMI (mean difference (MD) -0.07 kg/m2, 95% confidence interval (CI) -0.14 to -0.01), and had a similar effect (11 RCTs, n = 5536) on zBMI (MD -0.11, 95% CI -0.21 to 0.01). Neither diet (moderate-certainty evidence) nor physical activity interventions alone (high-certainty evidence) compared with control reduced BMI (physical activity alone: MD -0.22 kg/m2, 95% CI -0.44 to 0.01) or zBMI (diet alone: MD -0.14, 95% CI -0.32 to 0.04; physical activity alone: MD 0.01, 95% CI -0.10 to 0.13) in children aged 0-5 years.Children aged 6 to 12 years: There is moderate-certainty evidence from 14 RCTs (n = 16,410) that physical activity interventions, compared with control, reduced BMI (MD -0.10 kg/m2, 95% CI -0.14 to -0.05). However, there is moderate-certainty evidence that they had little or no effect on zBMI (MD -0.02, 95% CI -0.06 to 0.02). There is low-certainty evidence from 20 RCTs (n = 24,043) that diet combined with physical activity interventions, compared with control, reduced zBMI (MD -0.05 kg/m2, 95% CI -0.10 to -0.01). There is high-certainty evidence that diet interventions, compared with control, had little impact on zBMI (MD -0.03, 95% CI -0.06 to 0.01) or BMI (-0.02 kg/m2, 95% CI -0.11 to 0.06).Children aged 13 to 18 years: There is very low-certainty evidence that physical activity interventions, compared with control reduced BMI (MD -1.53 kg/m2, 95% CI -2.67 to -0.39; 4 RCTs; n = 720); and low-certainty evidence for a reduction in zBMI (MD -0.2, 95% CI -0.3 to -0.1; 1 RCT; n = 100). There is low-certainty evidence from eight RCTs (n = 16,583) that diet combined with physical activity interventions, compared with control, had no effect on BMI (MD -0.02 kg/m2, 95% CI -0.10 to 0.05); or zBMI (MD 0.01, 95% CI -0.05 to 0.07; 6 RCTs; n = 16,543). Evidence from two RCTs (low-certainty evidence; n = 294) found no effect of diet interventions on BMI.Direct comparisons of interventions: Two RCTs reported data directly comparing diet with either physical activity or diet combined with physical activity interventions for children aged 6 to 12 years and reported no differences.Heterogeneity was apparent in the results from all three age groups, which could not be entirely explained by setting or duration of the interventions. Where reported, interventions did not appear to result in adverse effects (16 RCTs) or increase health inequalities (gender: 30 RCTs; socioeconomic status: 18 RCTs), although relatively few studies examined these factors.Re-running the searches in January 2018 identified 315 records with potential relevance to this review, which will be synthesised in the next update.
AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: Interventions that include diet combined with physical activity interventions can reduce the risk of obesity (zBMI and BMI) in young children aged 0 to 5 years. There is weaker evidence from a single study that dietary interventions may be beneficial.However, interventions that focus only on physical activity do not appear to be effective in children of this age. In contrast, interventions that only focus on physical activity can reduce the risk of obesity (BMI) in children aged 6 to 12 years, and adolescents aged 13 to 18 years. In these age groups, there is no evidence that interventions that only focus on diet are effective, and some evidence that diet combined with physical activity interventions may be effective. Importantly, this updated review also suggests that interventions to prevent childhood obesity do not appear to result in adverse effects or health inequalities.The review will not be updated in its current form. To manage the growth in RCTs of child obesity prevention interventions, in future, this review will be split into three separate reviews based on child age.
BACKGROUND: Indigenous peoples of the United States disproportionately experience chronic diseases associated with poor nutrition, including obesity and diabetes. While chronic disease related health disparities among Indigenous people are well documented, it is unknown whether interventions adequately address these health disparities. In addition, it is unknown whether and to what extent interventions are culturally adapted or tailored to the unique culture, worldview and nutrition environments of Indigenous people. The aim of this review was to identify and characterize nutrition interventions conducted with Indigenous populations in the US, and to determine whether and to what degree communities are involved in intervention design, implementation and evaluation.
METHODS: Peer-reviewed articles were identified using MEDLINE. Articles included were published in English in a refereed journal between 2000 and 2015, reported on a diet-related intervention in Indigenous populations in the US, and reported outcome data. Data extracted were program objectives and activities, target population, geographic region, formative research to inform design and evaluation, partnership, capacity building, involvement of the local food system, and outcomes. Narrative synthesis of intervention characteristics and the degree and type of community involvement was performed.
RESULTS: Of 1060 records identified, 49 studies were included. Overall, interventions were successful in producing changes in knowledge, behavior or health (79%). Interventions mostly targeted adults in the Western region and used a pre-test, post-test design. Involvement of communities in intervention design, implementation, and evaluation varied from not at all to involvement at all stages. Of programs reporting significant changes in outcomes, more than half used at least three strategies to engage communities. However, formative research to inform the evaluation was not performed to a great degree, and fewer than half of the programs identified described involvement of the local food system.
CONCLUSIONS: The extent of use of strategies to promote community engagement in programs reporting significant outcomes is notable. In planning interventions in Indigenous groups, researchers should consider ways to involve the community in intervention design, execution and evaluation. There is a particular need for studies focused on Indigenous youth in diverse regions of the US to further address diet-related chronic conditions.
Background: Improving breastfeeding rates is critical. In low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), only subtle improvements in breastfeeding rates have been observed over the past decade, which highlights the need for accelerating breastfeeding promotion interventions.Objectives: The objective of this article is to update evidence on the effect of interventions on early initiation of and exclusive (<1 and 1-5 mo) and continued (6-23 mo) breastfeeding rates in LMICs when delivered in health systems, in the home or in community environments, or in a combination of settings.Methods: A systematic literature search was conducted in PubMed, Cochrane, and CABI databases to identify new articles relevant to our current review, which were published after the search date of our earlier meta-analysis (October 2014). Nine new articles were found to be relevant and were included, in addition to the other 52 studies that were identified in our earlier meta-analysis. We reported the pooled ORs and corresponding 95% CIs as our outcome estimates. In cases of high heterogeneity, random-effects models were used and causes were explored by subgroup analysis and meta-regression.Results: Early initiation of and exclusive (<1 and 1-5 mo) and continued (6-23 mo) breastfeeding rates in LMICs improved significantly as a result of interventions delivered in health systems, in the home or community, or a combination of these. Interventions delivered concurrently in a combination of settings were found to show the largest improvements in desired breastfeeding outcomes. Counseling provided in any setting and baby-friendly support in health systems appear to be the most effective interventions to improve breastfeeding.Conclusions: Improvements in breastfeeding practices are possible in LMICs with judicious use of tested interventions, particularly when delivered in a combination of settings concurrently. The findings can be considered for inclusion in the Lives Saved Tool model.
to assess the efficacy of psychosocial interventions delivered through task-sharing approaches for preventing perinatal common mental disorders among women in low- and middle-income countries.
We conducted a systematic review of randomized controlled trials following a prespecified protocol registered in the Open Science Framework ( We searched MEDLINE, Web of Science, PsycINFO, and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) through June 2022. Two reviewers independently extracted the data and evaluated the risk of bias of included studies using the Cochrane risk of bias tool. We performed random-effects meta-analyses and rated the certainty of evidence using the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE) approach.
We included 23 studies with 24,442 participants. At post-intervention, task-shared psychosocial interventions, were effective in preventing the development of mental disorders in general (RR 0.57, 95% CI [0.35, 0.91]), and specifically depression (RR 0.51, 95% CI [0.35, 0.75]), but not anxiety disorders (RR 0.46, 95% CI [0.06, 3.33]). Similarly, psychosocial interventions reduced psychological distress (SMD -1.32, 95% CI [-2.28, -0.35]), and depressive symptoms (SMD -0.50, 95% CI [-0.80, -0.16]), and increased parenting self-efficacy (SMD -0.76, 95% CI [-1.13, -0.38]) and social support (SMD -0.72, 95% CI [-1.22, -0.22]). No effect was detected for anxiety symptoms at post-intervention. At follow-up the beneficial effects of interventions progressively decreased.
Psychosocial interventions delivered through the task-sharing modality are effective in preventing perinatal common mental disorders and fostering positive mental health among women in low- and middle-income countries. However, our findings are tentative, due to the low number of preventative intervention strategies considering outcomes as the incidence of mental disorders, especially in the long-term. This evidence supports calls to implement and scale up psychosocial prevention interventions for perinatal common mental disorders in low- and middle-income countries.
Systematic Review Question»Systematic review of interventions