The impact of health-management training programs in Latin America on job performance.

Category Primary study
JournalCadernos de saúde pública
Year 2004
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A study was undertaken in Mexico, Colombia, and El Salvador to determine the impact of a management training program on health managers' job performance. A quasi-experimental design was used where in the baseline study an intervention group of 85 district health managers in the three countries was compared with a control group of 71 managers who did not receive the training program. After the implementation of an 18-month training program (which included 5-day training workshops and a series of tasks to be carried out between the workshops), the outcome in terms of improved job performance (i.e. use of predefined management techniques) was measured through twelve management performance indicators. The data collection tools were two questionnaires, participant observation in managers' workplaces, focus group discussions, staff interviews, and document analysis. In Mexico, the control group showed 8.3 times weaker management performance compared to the intervention group; in Colombia the value was 3.6 and in El Salvador 2.4. Factors associated with a successful training outcome were: (a) training techniques, (b) strengthening of enabling factors, and (c) reinforcement mechanisms.
Epistemonikos ID: d3c145a34aabb1dae0c58f6523ca0b54640132ca
First added on: May 08, 2013