Trends in Urban Immunization Coverage in India: A Meta-Analysis and Meta-Regression.

Category Systematic review
JournalIndian journal of pediatrics
Year 2023

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This article is included in 1 Broad synthesis 0 Broad syntheses (1 reference)

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To assess the gaps and trends in child immunization coverage among urban and rural areas in India, and compare the success of immunisation program in each.


PubMed, Scopus, and Crossref, and Google Scholar electronic databases were searched on October 9, 2019, and March 21, 2020, for studies that measured and reported immunization coverage indicators in India. Random-effects meta-analyses and meta-regressions were conducted.


The authors' search identified 545 studies, and 2 were obtained by expert suggestion. Among these 68 studies and 6 surveys were included. They found that full immunization coverage has grown yearly at 2.65% and 0.82% in rural and urban areas, respectively whereas partial immunization coverage declined by -2.44% and -0.69%, respectively. Percentage of nonimmunized children did not show a statistically significant trend in either.


While rural immunization coverage has seen a large increase over the past two decades, the progress in urban areas is weak and negligible. This was largely attributable to a focus on minimizing dropouts in rural areas. However, a lack of significant reduction in unimmunized children may indicate left-out children or pockets in both rural and urban areas. The poor performance of immunization programs in urban areas, coupled with a larger impact of COVID-19, warrants that India urgently adopts urban-sensitive and urban-focused policies and programs.
Epistemonikos ID: e224f393e5bbf4e6d0134d75c1be3b10f05fd764
First added on: Sep 18, 2021