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Primary study


Year 2015
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Primary study


Journal PloS one
Year 2015
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OBJECTIVE: This paper investigated the cost-effectiveness of a computer-assisted Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS) in the identification of maternal complications in Ghana. METHODS: A cost-effectiveness analysis was performed in a before- and after-intervention study. Analysis was conducted from the provider's perspective. The intervention area was the Kassena- Nankana district where computer-assisted CDSS was used by midwives in maternal care in six selected health centres. Six selected health centers in the Builsa district served as the non-intervention group, where the normal Ghana Health Service activities were being carried out. RESULTS: Computer-assisted CDSS increased the detection of pregnancy complications during antenatal care (ANC) in the intervention health centres (before-intervention = 9 /1,000 ANC attendance; after-intervention = 12/1,000 ANC attendance; P-value = 0.010). In the intervention health centres, there was a decrease in the number of complications during labour by 1.1%, though the difference was not statistically significant (before-intervention =107/1,000 labour clients; after-intervention = 96/1,000 labour clients; P-value = 0.305). Also, at the intervention health centres, the average cost per pregnancy complication detected during ANC (cost -effectiveness ratio) decreased from US$17,017.58 (before-intervention) to US$15,207.5 (after-intervention). Incremental cost -effectiveness ratio (ICER) was estimated at US$1,142. Considering only additional costs (cost of computer-assisted CDSS), cost per pregnancy complication detected was US$285. CONCLUSIONS: Computer -assisted CDSS has the potential to identify complications during pregnancy and marginal reduction in labour complications. Implementing computer-assisted CDSS is more costly but more effective in the detection of pregnancy complications compared to routine maternal care, hence making the decision to implement CDSS very complex. Policy makers should however be guided by whether the additional benefit is worth the additional cost.

Primary study


Journal European journal of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive biology
Year 2015
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OBJECTIVES: To explore the differential effect of a multifaceted intervention on hospital-based maternal mortality between patients with cesarean and vaginal delivery in low-resource settings. STUDY DESIGN: We reanalyzed the data from a major cluster-randomized controlled trial, QUARITE (Quality of care, Risk management and technology in obstetrics). These subgroup analyses were not pre-specified and were treated as exploratory. The intervention consisted of an initial interactive workshop and quarterly educational clinically oriented and evidence-based outreach visits focused on maternal death reviews (MDR) and best practices implementation. The trial originally recruited 191,167 patients who delivered in each of the 46 participating hospitals in Mali and Senegal, between 2007 and 2011. The primary endpoint was hospital-based maternal mortality. Subgroup-specific Odds Ratios (ORs) of maternal mortality were computed and tested for differential intervention effect using generalized linear mixed model between two subgroups (cesarean: 40,975; and vaginal delivery: 150,192). RESULTS: The test for homogeneity of intervention effects on hospital-based maternal mortality among the two delivery mode subgroups was statistically significant (p-value: 0.0201). Compared to the control, the adjusted OR of maternal mortality was 0.71 (95% CI: 0.58-0.82, p=0.0034) among women with cesarean delivery. The intervention had no significant effect among women with vaginal delivery (adjusted OR 0.87, 95% CI 0.69-1.11, p=0.6213). This differential effect was particularly marked for district hospitals. CONCLUSION: Maternal deaths reviews and on-site training on emergency obstetric care may be more effective in reducing maternal mortality among high-risk women who need a cesarean section than among low-risk women with vaginal delivery.

Primary study


Year 2015
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Primary study


Year 2015
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Primary study


Journal International journal of gynaecology and obstetrics: the official organ of the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics
Year 2014
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OBJECTIVE: To determine the impact of introducing an emergency obstetric and neonatal care training program on maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality at Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital, Eldoret, Kenya. METHODS: A prospective chart review was conducted of all deliveries during the 3-month period (November 2009 to January 2010) before the introduction of the Advances in Labor and Risk Management International Program (AIP), and in the 3-month period (August-November 2011) 1 year after the introduction of the AIP. All women who were admitted and delivered after 28 weeks of pregnancy were included. The primary outcome was the direct obstetric case fatality rate. RESULTS: A total of 1741 deliveries occurred during the baseline period and 1812 in the postintervention period. Only one mother died in each period. However, postpartum hemorrhage rates decreased, affecting 59 (3.5%) of 1669 patients before implementation and 40 (2.3%) of 1751 afterwards (P=0.029). The number of patients who received oxytocin increased from 829 (47.6%) to 1669 (92.1%; P<0.001). Additionally, the number of neonates with 5-minute Apgar scores of less than 5 reduced from 133 (7.7%) of 1717 to 95 (5.4%) of 1745 (P=0.006). CONCLUSION: The introduction of the AIP improved maternal outcomes. There were significant differences related to use of oxytocin and postpartum hemorrhage.

Primary study


Journal Social science & medicine (1982)
Year 2014
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Africa's progress towards the health related Millennium Development Goals remains limited. This can be partly explained by inadequate performance of health care providers. It is therefore critical to incentivize this performance. Payment methods that reward performance related to quantity and quality, called performance based financing (PBF), have recently been introduced in over 30 African countries. While PBF meets considerable enthusiasm from governments and donors, the evidence on its effects is still limited. In this study we aim to estimate the effects of PBF on the utilization and quality of maternal and child care in Burundi. We use the 2010 Burundi Demographic and Health Survey (August 2010-January 2011, n = 4916 women) and exploit the staggered rollout of PBF between 2006 and 2010, to implement a difference-in-differences approach. The quality of care provided during antenatal care (ANC) visits improved significantly, especially among the better off, although timeliness and number of ANC visits did not change. The probability of an institutional delivery increased significantly with 4 percentage points among the better off but no effects were found among the poor. PBF does significantly increase this probability (with 5 percentage points) for women where PBF was in place from the start of their pregnancy, suggesting that women are encouraged during ANC visits to deliver in the facility. PBF also led to a significant increase of 4 percentage points in the probability of a child being fully vaccinated, with effects more pronounced among the poor. PBF improved the utilization and quality of most maternal and child care, mainly among the better off, but did not improve targeting of unmet needs for ANC. Especially types of care which require a behavioral change of health care workers when the patient is already in the clinic show improvements. Improvements are smaller for services which require effort from the provider to change patients' utilization choices.

Primary study


Year 2014
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Primary study


Journal PloS one
Year 2014
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BACKGROUND: Interventions are needed to reduce poor perinatal health. We trained community health workers (CHWs) as home visitors to address maternal/infant risks. METHODS: In a cluster randomised controlled trial in Cape Town townships, neighbourhoods were randomised within matched pairs to 1) the control, healthcare at clinics (n = 12 neighbourhoods; n = 594 women), or 2) a home visiting intervention by CBW trained in cognitive-behavioural strategies to address health risks (by the Philani Maternal, Child Health and Nutrition Programme), in addition to clinic care (n = 12 neighbourhoods; n = 644 women). Participants were assessed during pregnancy (2% refusal) and 92% were reassessed at two weeks post-birth, 88% at six months and 84% at 18 months later. We analysed 32 measures of maternal/infant well-being over the 18 month follow-up period using longitudinal random effects regressions. A binomial test for correlated outcomes evaluated overall effectiveness over time. The 18 month post-birth assessment outcomes also were examined alone and as a function of the number of home visits received. RESULTS: Benefits were found on 7 of 32 measures of outcomes, resulting in significant overall benefits for the intervention compared to the control when using the binomial test (p = 0.008); nevertheless, no effects were observed when only the 18 month outcomes were analyzed. Benefits on individual outcomes were related to the number of home visits received. Among women living with HIV, intervention mothers were more likely to implement the PMTCT regimens, use condoms during all sexual episodes (OR = 1.25; p = 0.014), have infants with healthy weight-for-age measurements (OR = 1.42; p = 0.045), height-for-age measurements (OR = 1.13, p<0.001), breastfeed exclusively for six months (OR = 3.59; p<0.001), and breastfeed longer (OR = 3.08; p<0.001). Number of visits was positively associated with infant birth weight ≥2500 grams (OR = 1.07; p = 0.012), healthy head-circumference-for-age measurements at 6 months (OR = 1.09, p = 0.017), and improved cognitive development at 18 months (OR = 1.02, p = 0.048). CONCLUSIONS: Home visits to neighbourhood mothers by CHWs may be a feasible strategy for enhancing maternal/child outcomes. However, visits likely must extend over several years for persistent benefits. TRIAL REGISTRATION: NCT00996528.

Primary study


Year 2014
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