How to use the search builder
Enter search term(s) in box. You can manually enter any search feature that is supported (see below) into a single line.
If two or more terms are entered, search will combine the terms with “AND” (use uppercase letters)
This tool supports:
Boolean operators: AND, OR and NOT
Use of parentheses
Wildcard (truncation), using "*": e.g. truncat*
Searching with field labels, using the label followed by a colon: e.g. title:(term AND word)
Exact phrase, using "" (e.g. "your phrase")
Currently available labels are: title, abstract, author
Does not support:
Proximity operators (i.e. NEAR and NEXT)
Controlled vocabulary (e.g. MeSH terms)
Search in non-English language (regular search in Epistemonikos supports 9 languages)
Recognition of variants of the word, linguistic variants (e.g. British vs. American spelling), plural variants, misspellings.