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Primary study


Journal Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
Year 2003
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The persistence of high perinatal and neonatal mortality rates in many developing countries make efforts to improve perinatal care in the home and at local health facilities important public health concerns. We describe a study which aims to evaluate a community-level participatory intervention in rural Nepal. The effectiveness of community-based action research interventions with mothers and other key members of the community in improving perinatal health outcomes is being examined using a cluster randomized, controlled trial covering a population of 28,000 married women of reproductive age. The unit of randomization was the village development committee (VDC): 12 VDCs receive the intervention while 12 serve as controls. The key elements of the intervention are the activities of female facilitators, each of whom works in one VDC facilitating the activities of women's groups in addressing problems in pregnancy, childbirth and the newborn period. Each group moves through a participatory planning cycle of assessment, sharing experiences, planning, action and reassessment, with the aim of improving essential maternal and newborn care. Outcomes assessed are neonatal and perinatal mortality rates, changes in patterns of home care, health care seeking and referral. The study also aims to generate programmatic information on the process of implementation in communities.

Primary study


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BACKGROUND: Neonatal deaths in developing countries make the largest contribution to global mortality in children younger than 5 years. 90% of deliveries in the poorest quintile of households happen at home. We postulated that a community-based participatory intervention could significantly reduce neonatal mortality rates. METHODS: We pair-matched 42 geopolitical clusters in Makwanpur district, Nepal, selected 12 pairs randomly, and randomly assigned one of each pair to intervention or control. In each intervention cluster (average population 7000), a female facilitator convened nine women's group meetings every month. The facilitator supported groups through an action-learning cycle in which they identified local perinatal problems and formulated strategies to address them. We monitored birth outcomes in a cohort of 28?931 women, of whom 8% joined the groups. The primary outcome was neonatal mortality rate. Other outcomes included stillbirths and maternal deaths, uptake of antenatal and delivery services, home care practices, infant morbidity, and health-care seeking. Analysis was by intention to treat. The study is registered as an International Standard Randomised Controlled Trial, number ISRCTN31137309. FINDINGS: From 2001 to 2003, the neonatal mortality rate was 26.2 per 1000 (76 deaths per 2899 livebirths) in intervention clusters compared with 36.9 per 1000 (119 deaths per 3226 livebirths) in controls (adjusted odds ratio 0.70 [95% CI 0.53-0.94]). Stillbirth rates were similar in both groups. The maternal mortality ratio was 69 per 100000 (two deaths per 2899 livebirths) in intervention clusters compared with 341 per 100000 (11 deaths per 3226 livebirths) in control clusters (0.22 [0.05-0.90]). Women in intervention clusters were more likely to have antenatal care, institutional delivery, trained birth attendance, and hygienic care than were controls. INTERPRETATION: Birth outcomes in a poor rural population improved greatly through a low cost, potentially sustainable and scalable, participatory intervention with women's groups.

Primary study


Journal BMC pregnancy and childbirth
Year 2005
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Background: Neonatal mortality rates are high in rural Nepal where more than 90% of deliveries are in the home. Evidence suggests that death rates can be reduced by interventions at community level. We describe an intervention which aimed to harness the power of community planning and decision making to improve maternal and newborn care in rural Nepal. Methods: The development of 111 women's groups in a population of 86 704 in Makwanpur district, Nepal is described. The groups, facilitated by local women, were the intervention component of a randomized controlled trial to reduce perinatal and neonatal mortality rates. Through participant observation and analysis of reports, we describe the implementation of this intervention: the community entry process, the facilitation of monthly meetings through a participatory action cycle of problem identification, community planning, and implementation and evaluation of strategies to tackle the identified problems. Results: In response to the needs of the group, participatory health education was added to the intervention and the women's groups developed varied strategies to tackle problems of maternal and newborn care: establishing mother and child health funds, producing clean home delivery kits and operating stretcher schemes. Close linkages with community leaders and community health workers improved strategy implementation. There were also indications of positive effects on group members and health services, and most groups remained active after 30 months. Conclusion: A large scale and potentially sustainable participatory intervention with women's groups, which focused on pregnancy, childbirth and the newborn period, resulted in innovative strategies identified by local communities to tackle perinatal care problems. © 2005 Morrison et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.

Primary study


Journal BMC pregnancy and childbirth
Year 2006
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Background: A randomised controlled trial of participatory women's groups in rural Nepal previously showed reductions in maternal and newborn mortality. In addition to the outcome data we also collected previously unreported information from the subgroup of women who had been pregnant prior to study commencement and conceived during the trial period. To determine the mechanisms via which the intervention worked we here examine the changes in perinatal care of these women. In particular we use the information to study factors affecting positive behaviour change in pregnancy, childbirth and newborn care. Methods: Women's groups focusing on perinatal care were introduced into 12 of 24 study clusters (average cluster population 7000). A total of 5400 women of reproductive age enrolled in the trial had previously been pregnant and conceived during the trial period. For each of four outcomes (attendance at antenatal care; use of a boiled blade to cut the cord; appropriate dressing of the cord; not discarding colostrum) each of these women was classified as BETTER, GOOD, BAD or WORSE to describe whether and how she changed her pre-trial practice. Multilevel multinomial models were used to identify women most responsive to intervention. Results: Among those not initially following good practice, women in intervention areas were significantly more likely to do so later for all four outcomes (OR 1.92 to 3.13). Within intervention clusters, women who attended groups were more likely to show a positive change than non-group members with regard to antenatal care utilisation and not discarding colostrum, but non-group members also benefited. Conclusion: Women's groups promoted significant behaviour change for perinatal care amongst women not previously following good practice. Positive changes attributable to intervention were not restricted to specific demographic subgroups. © 2006 Wade et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.

Primary study


Journal International health
Year 2010
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Women's groups, working through participatory learning and action, can improve maternal and newborn survival. We describe how they stimulated change in rural Nepal and the factors influencing their effectiveness. We collected data from 19 women's group members, 2 group facilitators, 16 health volunteers, 2 community leaders, 21 local men, and 23 women not attending the women's groups, through semi-structured interviews, group interviews, focus group discussions and unstructured observation of groups. Participants took photographs of their locality for discussion in focus groups using photoelicitation methods. Framework analysis procedures were used, and data fed back to respondents. When group members were compared with 11 184 women who had recently delivered, we found that they were of similar socioeconomic status, despite the context of poverty, and caste inequalities. Four mechanisms explain the women's group impact on health outcomes: the groups learned about health, developed confidence, disseminated information in their communities, and built community capacity to take action. Women's groups enable the development of a broader understanding of health problems, and build community capacity to bring health and development benefit.