Intervenciones multidisciplinarias: revisión de estudios de volver a trabajar después de la rehabilitación para el dolor lumbar.

Categoría Revisión sistemática
RevistaJournal of rehabilitation medicine : official journal of the UEMS European Board of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
Año 2009
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The aim of this study was to analyse the efficacy of multidisciplinary interventions on return to work for people on sick leave due to low back pain.


A systematic review of published studies was performed, including a meta-analysis. Identified publications were assessed for relevance and study quality.


A meta-analysis based on 5 studies from Scandinavia verified the scientific evidence for the efficacy of multidisciplinary interventions on return to work.


Although long-term sick leave due to low back pain represents a large problem for the community and multidisciplinary interventions are often advocated, surprisingly few published studies have return to work as an outcome. There is evidence for a clinically relevant effect of multidisciplinary interventions on return to work.
Epistemonikos ID: 0d66716637eb413c18cd24e3738913e5ec848278
First added on: Jul 30, 2011