OBJECTIVES: To summarise, by a systematic literature review (SLR), the evidence regarding pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapeutic strategies in difficult-to-treat rheumatoid arthritis (D2T RA), informing the EULAR recommendations for the management of D2T RA.
METHODS: PubMed, Embase and Cochrane databases were searched up to December 2019. Relevant papers were selected and appraised.
RESULTS: Two hundred seven (207) papers studied therapeutic strategies. Limited evidence was found on effective and safe disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) in patients with comorbidities and other contraindications that limit DMARD options (patients with obesity, hepatitis B and C, risk of venous thromboembolisms, pregnancy and lactation). In patients who previously failed biological (b-)DMARDs, all currently used b/targeted synthetic (ts-)DMARDs were found to be more effective than placebo. In patients who previously failed a tumour necrosis factor inhibitor (TNFi), there was a tendency of non-TNFi bDMARDs to be more effective than TNFis. Generally, effectiveness decreased in patients who previously failed a higher number of bDMARDs. Additionally, exercise, psychological, educational and self-management interventions were found to improve non-inflammatory complaints (mainly functional disability, pain, fatigue), education to improve goal setting, and self-management programmes, educational and psychological interventions to improve self-management.The identified evidence had several limitations: (1) no studies were found in patients with D2T RA specifically, (2) heterogeneous outcome criteria were used and (3) most studies had a moderate or high risk of bias.
CONCLUSIONS: This SLR underscores the scarcity of high-quality evidence on the pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment of patients with D2T RA. Effectiveness of b/tsDMARDs decreased in RA patients who had failed a higher number of bDMARDs and a subsequent b/tsDMARD of a previously not targeted mechanism of action was somewhat more effective. Additionally, a beneficial effect of non-pharmacological interventions was found for improvement of non-inflammatory complaints, goal setting and self-management.
OBJETIVO: Desarrollar una nueva pauta de tratamiento farmacológico basado en la evidencia para la artritis reumatoide (AR).
MÉTODOS: Se realizó una revisión sistemática para sintetizar la evidencia de los beneficios y los daños de diferentes opciones de tratamiento. Se utilizó la clasificación de las recomendaciones de la evaluación, la metodología de Evaluación (GRADE) Desarrollo y en evaluar la calidad de las pruebas. Empleamos un proceso de consenso del grupo para clasificar la fuerza de las recomendaciones (ya sean fuertes o condicionales). Una recomendación sólida indica que los médicos están seguros de que los beneficios de una intervención son muy superiores a los daños (o viceversa). Una recomendación condicional denota incertidumbre sobre el equilibrio entre los beneficios y los daños y / o una mayor variabilidad significativa en los valores y las preferencias del paciente.
RESULTADOS: La guía cubre el uso de los fármacos tradicionales modificadores de la enfermedad (DMARD) antirreumáticos, agentes biológicos, tofacitinib, y los glucocorticoides en los primeros 6 meses (<) y estableció (6 meses o más) RA. Además, proporciona recomendaciones sobre el uso de un enfoque de tratar al objetivo, se estrecha y descontinuar medicamentos y el uso de agentes biológicos y FAME en pacientes con hepatitis, insuficiencia cardíaca congestiva, enfermedad maligna, y las infecciones graves. La directriz se refiere a la utilización de las vacunas en pacientes que inician / recepción de FARME o agentes biológicos, la detección de la tuberculosis en pacientes que inician / recepción de agentes biológicos o tofacitinib, y la vigilancia de laboratorio para los DMARD tradicionales. La guía incluye 74 recomendaciones: 23% son fuertes y el 77% son condicionales.
CONCLUSIÓN: Esta directriz RA debe servir como una herramienta para los médicos y pacientes (nuestros dos audiencias objetivo) para las decisiones de tratamiento farmacológico en situaciones clínicas más frecuentes. Estas recomendaciones no son prescriptivos, y las decisiones de tratamiento deben ser tomadas por los médicos y los pacientes a través de un proceso de toma de decisiones compartida, teniendo en cuenta los valores de los pacientes, las preferencias y las comorbilidades. Estas recomendaciones no deben ser utilizados para limitar o no permitir el acceso a las terapias.
To summarise, by a systematic literature review (SLR), the evidence regarding pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapeutic strategies in difficult-to-treat rheumatoid arthritis (D2T RA), informing the EULAR recommendations for the management of D2T RA.
PubMed, Embase and Cochrane databases were searched up to December 2019. Relevant papers were selected and appraised.
Two hundred seven (207) papers studied therapeutic strategies. Limited evidence was found on effective and safe disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) in patients with comorbidities and other contraindications that limit DMARD options (patients with obesity, hepatitis B and C, risk of venous thromboembolisms, pregnancy and lactation). In patients who previously failed biological (b-)DMARDs, all currently used b/targeted synthetic (ts-)DMARDs were found to be more effective than placebo. In patients who previously failed a tumour necrosis factor inhibitor (TNFi), there was a tendency of non-TNFi bDMARDs to be more effective than TNFis. Generally, effectiveness decreased in patients who previously failed a higher number of bDMARDs. Additionally, exercise, psychological, educational and self-management interventions were found to improve non-inflammatory complaints (mainly functional disability, pain, fatigue), education to improve goal setting, and self-management programmes, educational and psychological interventions to improve self-management.The identified evidence had several limitations: (1) no studies were found in patients with D2T RA specifically, (2) heterogeneous outcome criteria were used and (3) most studies had a moderate or high risk of bias.
This SLR underscores the scarcity of high-quality evidence on the pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment of patients with D2T RA. Effectiveness of b/tsDMARDs decreased in RA patients who had failed a higher number of bDMARDs and a subsequent b/tsDMARD of a previously not targeted mechanism of action was somewhat more effective. Additionally, a beneficial effect of non-pharmacological interventions was found for improvement of non-inflammatory complaints, goal setting and self-management.