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Revista Journal of internal medicine
Año 2014
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OBJECTIVE: Little is known about the transfer of essential fatty acids (FAs) across the human blood-brain barrier (BBB) in adulthood. In this study, we investigated whether oral supplementation with omega-3 (n-3) FAs would change the FA profile of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). METHODS: A total of 33 patients (18 receiving the n-3 FA supplement and 15 receiving placebo) were included in the study. These patients were participants in the double-blind, placebo-controlled randomized OmegAD study in which 204 patients with mild Alzheimer's disease (AD) received 2.3 g n-3 FA [high in docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)] or placebo daily for 6 months. CSF FA levels were related to changes in plasma FA and to CSF biomarkers of AD and inflammation. RESULTS: At 6 months, the n-3 FA supplement group displayed significant increases in CSF (and plasma) eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), DHA and total n-3 FA levels (P < 0.01), whereas no changes were observed in the placebo group. Changes in CSF and plasma levels of EPA and n-3 docosapentaenoic acid were strongly correlated, in contrast to those of DHA. Changes in DHA levels in CSF were inversely correlated with CSF levels of total and phosphorylated tau, and directly correlated with soluble interleukin-1 receptor type II. Thus, the more DHA increased in CSF, the greater the change in CSF AD/inflammatory biomarkers. CONCLUSIONS: Oral supplementation with n-3 FAs conferred changes in the n-3 FA profile in CSF, suggesting transfer of these FAs across the BBB in adults.

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Revista Nutrition journal
Año 2014
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BACKGROUND: Plant and marine n-3 fatty acids (FA) may favorably modify select markers of cardiovascular disease risk. Whether supplementing the habitual diet of lacto-ovo-vegetarians (LOV) with walnuts (containing α-linolenic acid, ALA) and n-3 FA enriched eggs (containing primarily docosahexaenoic acid, DHA and ALA) would have equivalent effects on CVD risk factors is explored in this study. METHODS: In this study, 20 healthy free-living LOVs following their habitual diet were randomly assigned in a crossover design to receive one of three supplements: n-3 FA enriched egg (6/week), walnuts (28.4 g, 6/week) or a standard egg, 6/week (control) for 8 weeks each with 4-wk washout between treatments. Erythrocyte membrane fatty acids, serum lipids and inflammatory markers were measured at the end of each treatment. RESULTS: Dietary compliance was observed by an expected increase in erythrocyte membrane ALA following the walnut treatment and in DHA following the n-3 FA enriched egg treatment. Walnut treatment lowered serum triacylglycerol, total cholesterol and Apo B (p < 0.05) compared to the standard egg but not the n-3 FA enriched egg treatment. However, walnut treatment significantly reduced total: HDL cholesterol ratio compared to both egg treatments. There were no differences between treatments for any of the inflammatory markers. CONCLUSIONS: For LOV, a direct source of DHA such as n-3 FA enriched eggs seems necessary to increase membrane levels of DHA. However for producing an overall favorable blood lipid profile, daily consumption of a handful of walnuts rich in ALA may be a preferred option for lacto-ovo vegetarian.

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Autores Long H , Yang H , Lin Y , Situ D , Liu W
Revista Nutrition and cancer
Año 2013
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Our aim was to investigate whether adding ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) to parenteral nutrition (PN) could reduce inflammation and improve immune function in patients following esophageal cancer surgery. In this pilot study, 60 patients with esophageal cancer were divided into 2 groups (30 patients in each group). All patients had total scores of more than or equal to 3 on the nutritional risk screening (NRS2002) test recommended by the European Society of Parenteral Enteral Nutrition, which showed that all patients had nutritional risk and should receive nutritional support. Both groups received isocaloric and isonitrogenous PN. One group received a ω-3 PUFAs supplement. Key indicators of inflammation [serum procalcitonin (PCT) level and the ratio of CD4(+) to CD8(+) (CD4(+)/CD8(+) ratio)] were determined intraoperatively and 24, 72, and 144 h postoperatively. PCT level was notably lower and CD4(+)/CD8(+) ratio was markedly higher in the ω-3 PUFAs group (P = 0.007 for PCT level and P = 0.012 for CD4(+)/CD8(+) ratio) on postoperative day 6 but not on postoperative days 1 and 3. ω-3 PUFAs supplemented PN can reduce inflammation and improve immune function in patients following esophageal cancer surgery. A larger trial is required to see whether ω-3 PUFAs supplementation of PN improves the clinical outcomes of patients following esophageal cancer surgery.

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Revista Nutrition (Burbank, Los Angeles County, Calif.)
Año 2013
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OBJETIVO: Los efectos beneficiosos de ω-3 los ácidos grasos poliinsaturados (PUFAs) en la enfermedad cardiovascular se atribuye en parte a sus propiedades anti-inflamatorias. Su efecto potencial sobre el tejido adiposo de la enfermedad renal crónica (ERC) de los pacientes nunca ha sido explorado. MÉTODOS: Determinar el efecto metabólico de la suplementación con dos dosis diferentes de aceite de pescado (FO), 12 pacientes no dializados con estadio IV / V ERC fueron asignados al azar para recibir 1,8 g ó 3,6 g / d de ω-3 PUFA de 10 sem. Parámetros metabólicos, la función del tejido adiposo, y la expresión génica se evaluaron al inicio del estudio y 10 sem. RESULTADOS: El peso corporal, masa grasa, la ingesta de energía, glucosa en ayunas y la insulina se mantuvieron sin cambios. La ingesta diaria de 3,6 g de ω-3 PUFA resultó en triacilglicerol en suero disminuido y aumento del colesterol de lipoproteína de alta densidad, mientras que el colesterol de lipoproteína de baja densidad aumentó con 1,8 g de ω-3 PUFA. Adiponectina sérica, la leptina, la proteína C-reactiva, y factor de necrosis tumoral-α no se modificaron en ninguno de los grupos. Los niveles de interleucina-6 tendían a disminuir con 1,8 g de ω-3 PUFA. Además, un subconjunto de los genes relacionados con la inflamación (CD68 y MMP9) se redujo en el tejido adiposo subcutáneo en este grupo. La adiponectina, la leptina, y el gen AdipoR2 expresión se upregulated con 3,6 g de ω-3 PUFA. CONCLUSIONES: Una dosis moderada de FO altera el perfil de expresión génica del tejido adiposo a un estado más antiinflamatorio. Las dosis más altas de FO tienen un efecto favorable sobre el perfil lipídico y conducen a la regulación positiva de la expresión génica adipocinas que sugiere una respuesta a la dosis diferente de ω-3 PUFA administración en pacientes con ERC.

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Revista The American journal of clinical nutrition
Año 2013
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BACKGROUND: Fish oil (FO) has antiinflammatory effects, which might reduce systemic inflammation induced by a cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). OBJECTIVE: We tested whether perioperative infusions of FO modify the cell membrane composition, inflammatory responses, and clinical course of patients undergoing elective coronary artery bypass surgery. DESIGN: A prospective randomized controlled trial was conducted in cardiac surgery patients who received 3 infusions of 0.2 g/kg FO emulsion or saline (control) 12 and 2 h before and immediately after surgery. Blood samples (7 time points) and an atrial biopsy (during surgery) were obtained to assess the membrane incorporation of PUFAs. Hemodynamic data, catecholamine requirements, and core temperatures were recorded at 10-min intervals; blood triglycerides, nonesterified fatty acids, glucose, lactate, inflammatory cytokines, and carboxyhemoglobin concentrations were measured at selected time points. RESULTS: Twenty-eight patients, with a mean ± SD age of 65.5 ± 9.9 y, were enrolled with no baseline differences between groups. Significant increases in platelet EPA (+0.86%; P = 0.0001) and DHA (+0.87%; P = 0.019) were observed after FO consumption compared with at baseline. Atrial tissue EPA concentrations were higher after FO than after control treatments (+0.5%; P < 0.0001). FO did not significantly alter core temperature but decreased the postoperative rise in IL-6 (P = 0.018). Plasma triglycerides increased transiently after each FO infusion. Plasma concentrations of glucose, lactate, and blood carboxyhemoglobin were lower in the FO than in the control group on the day after surgery. Arrhythmia incidence was low with no significant difference between groups. No adverse effect of FO was detected. CONCLUSIONS: Perioperative FO infusions significantly increased PUFA concentrations in platelet and atrial tissue membranes within 12 h of the first FO administration and decreased biological and clinical signs of inflammation. These results suggest that perioperative FO may be beneficial in elective cardiac surgery with CPB.

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Revista The Journal of nutrition
Año 2013
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Recent studies have indicated that omega-3 (n3) polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) decrease adipose tissue inflammation in rodents and in morbidly obese humans. We investigated whether a diet rich in n3 PUFAs from both marine and plant sources reduces adipose tissue and systemic inflammation in overweight to moderately obese adults. We conducted a randomized, single-blind, parallel-design, placebo-controlled feeding trial. Healthy men and women with a body mass index between 28 and 33 kg/m(2) consumed a diet rich in n3 PUFAs (3.5% of energy intake; n = 11) from plant and marine sources or a control diet (0.5% of energy intake from n3 PUFAs; n = 13). These diets were consumed for 14 wk (ad libitum for 12 wk). All foods were provided for the entire study period. Subcutaneous abdominal adipose tissue and fasting plasma were collected after the first 2 wk with the control diet and again at the end of the 14-wk dietary period. The primary outcome of this ex post analysis was the adipose tissue gene expression of 13 key mediators of inflammation. Adipose tissue gene expression of inflammatory mediators did not differ between the 2 groups, after adjustment for weight change. Furthermore, none of the 5 plasma markers of systemic inflammation differed significantly as an effect of diet treatment. We conclude that a relatively high dose of n3 PUFAs from plant and marine sources did not significantly lower adipose tissue or systemic inflammation in overweight to moderately obese healthy men and women over 14 wk.

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Revista American journal of cardiovascular drugs : drugs, devices, and other interventions
Año 2013
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BACKGROUND: Icosapent ethyl (IPE) is a high-purity prescription form of eicosapentaenoic acid ethyl ester approved by the US Food and Drug Administration as an adjunct to diet to reduce triglyceride (TG) levels in adult patients with severe (≥500 mg/dL) hypertriglyceridemia. In addition to TG-lowering effects, IPE also reduces non-high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and apolipoprotein B levels without significantly increasing low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) in patients with very high TG levels ≥500 mg/dL (MARINE study) and in patients with well-controlled LDL-C and residually high TG levels 200-500 mg/dL (ANCHOR study). This analysis examined the effect of IPE on inflammatory markers in patients from MARINE and ANCHOR. METHODS: MARINE (N = 229) and ANCHOR (N = 702) were Phase III, double-blind studies that randomized hypertriglyceridemic patients to IPE 4 g/day, 2 g/day, or placebo. This analysis assessed the median placebo-adjusted percentage change from baseline in markers representing various stages of atherosclerotic inflammation such as intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), oxidized low-density lipoprotein (Ox-LDL), lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A(2) (Lp-PLA(2)), interleukin-6 (IL-6), and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP). RESULTS: Compared to placebo, IPE 4 g/day significantly decreased Ox-LDL (13 %, p < 0.0001, ANCHOR), Lp-PLA(2) (14 %, p < 0.001, MARINE; 19 %, p < 0.0001, ANCHOR), and hsCRP levels (36 %, p < 0.01, MARINE; 22 %, p < 0.001, ANCHOR), but did not significantly change ICAM-1 and IL-6 levels. In the MARINE study, IPE 2 g/day did not significantly change ICAM-1, Ox-LDL, Lp-PLA(2), IL-6, or hsCRP levels. Also, compared to placebo in the ANCHOR study, IPE 2 g/day significantly decreased Lp-PLA(2) levels (8 %, p < 0.0001), but did not significantly change levels of other assessed inflammatory markers. CONCLUSION: Compared to placebo, in hypertriglyceridemic patients, IPE 4 g/day significantly decreased Ox-LDL, Lp-PLA(2), and hsCRP levels.

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Revista PloS one
Año 2013
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UNLABELLED: Obesity affects the vitamin D status in humans. Vitamin D and long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) provide benefit for the prevention of fractures and cardiovascular events, respectively, and both are involved in controlling inflammatory and immune responses. However, published epidemiological data suggest a potential interference of n-3 PUFA supplementation with vitamin D status. Therefore, we aimed to investigate in a randomized controlled clinical trial whether treatment with long chain n-3 PUFA affects vitamin D status in severely obese patients and potential interrelations of vitamin D and PUFA treatment with inflammatory parameters. Fifty-four severely obese (BMI ≥ 40 kg/m2) non-diabetic patients were treated for eight weeks with either 3.36 g/d EPA and DHA or the same amount of butter fat as control. Changes in serum 25-hydroxy-vitamin D [25(OH)D] concentrations, plasma fatty acid profiles and circulating inflammatory marker concentrations from baseline to end of treatment were assessed. At baseline 43/54 patients were vitamin D deficient (serum 25(OH)D concentration <50 nmol/l). Treatment with n-3 PUFA did not affect vitamin D status (P = 0.91). Serum 25(OH)D concentration correlated negatively with both IL-6 (P = 0.02) and hsCRP serum concentration (P = 0.03) at baseline. Strikingly, the negative correlations of 25(OH)D with IL-6 and hsCRP were lost after n-3 PUFA treatment. In conclusion, vitamin D status of severely obese patients remained unaffected by n-3 PUFA treatment. However, abrogation of the inverse association of 25(OH)D concentration with inflammatory markers indicated that n-3 PUFA treatment could compensate for some detrimental consequences of vitamin D deficiency. TRIAL REGISTRATION: NCT00760760.

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Revista European journal of clinical investigation
Año 2012
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Background and aims Studies suggest clinical benefits of parenteral fish oil (FO), rich in n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), over soyabean oil (SO), rich in n-6 PUFAs, in patients with pro-inflammatory conditions such as sepsis and trauma. Because the mechanisms behind these observations remain unclear, the present study explored the effects of intravenous infusion of FO and SO on fatty acid incorporation, immune functions and (anti)oxidant balance in healthy human volunteers. Methods Saline, a SO emulsion and a FO emulsion were administered for one hour on three consecutive days at a rate of 0·2g/kgBW/h to eight subjects in a randomized cross-over design with a 3-week interval between treatments. Plasma phospholipid and peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) fatty acid compositions, and leucocyte counts and functions were assessed prior to the first infusion (T=0, baseline) and 1day (T=4, early effects) and 8days (T=11, late effects) after the third infusion. Results Fish oil infusion significantly increased n-3 PUFA proportions and decreased n-6 PUFA proportions in plasma phospholipids and PBMCs. There were no differences in immune functions or (anti)oxidant balance between treatments at any time. Conclusions The present lipid infusion protocol appears to be safe and well tolerated and provides significant incorporation of n-3 PUFAs into plasma phospholipids and PBMCs. In the absence of overt inflammation, no direct effects of FO were observed on immune function or (anti)oxidant balance. This model may be useful to evaluate effects of parenteral lipids in other settings, for example in individuals displaying an inflammatory state. © 2011 The Authors. European Journal of Clinical Investigation © 2011 Stichting European Society for Clinical Investigation Journal Foundation.

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Revista The American journal of clinical nutrition
Año 2012
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BACKGROUND: Long-chain n-3 PUFAs found in oily fish may have a role in lowering the risk of allergic disease. OBJECTIVE: The objective was to assess whether an increased intake of oily fish in pregnancy modifies neonatal immune responses and early markers of atopy. DESIGN: Women (n = 123) were randomly assigned to continue their habitual diet, which was low in oily fish, or to consume 2 portions of salmon per week (providing 3.45 g EPA plus DHA) from 20 wk gestation until delivery. In umbilical cord blood samples (n = 101), we measured n-3 fatty acids, IgE concentrations, and immunologic responses. Infants were clinically evaluated at age 6 mo (n = 86). RESULTS: Cord blood mononuclear cell (CBMC) production of interleukin (IL)-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-10, and tumor necrosis factor-α in response to phytohemagglutinin (PHA) and of IL-2 in response to Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus allergen 1 (Derp1) was lower in the salmon group (all P ≤ 0.03). In the subgroup of CBMCs in which an allergic phenotype was confirmed in the mother or father, IL-10 production in response to Toll-like receptor 2, 3, and 4 agonists, ovalbumin, salmon parvalbumin, or Derp1 and prostaglandin E(2) production in response to lipopolysaccharide or PHA was lower in the salmon group (all P ≤ 0.045). Total IgE at birth and total IgE, incidence and severity of atopic dermatitis, and skin-prick-test positivity at 6 mo of age were not different between the 2 groups. CONCLUSION: Oily fish intervention in pregnancy modifies neonatal immune responses but may not affect markers of infant atopy assessed at 6 mo of age. This trial is registered at as NCT00801502.