Una revisión sistemática de los resultados multidisciplinarios en el tratamiento del dolor crónico de espalda baja.

Categoría Revisión sistemática
RevistaWork (Reading, Mass.)
Año 2010
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Previous research has provided an inconsistent message as to the effectiveness of multidisciplinary programs to improve employment outcomes in clients with Chronic Low Back Pain (CLBP). The primary aims of this review were to: 1) update the evidence for the multidisciplinary treatment of CLBP to improve employment outcomes 2) assess what knowledge supports occupational therapy as contributing to a multidisciplinary approach in the treatment of CLBP.


Working-age adults experiencing CLBP who took part in controlled trials evaluating multidisciplinary programs between July 1998 and July 2009.


Updated guidelines provided by the Cochrane Collaboration Back Review Group (BRG) were used to perform a systematic review to identify, appraise, and synthesize research evidence relevant to our research questions.


Twelve unique articles were found, after a database search and citation tracking, only two of which were high quality. Our findings suggest that there is still conflicting evidence for the effectiveness of multidisciplinary programs to improve employment outcomes in CLBP.


The results are discussed with reference to current methodological limitations found in the literature. Furthermore, occupational therapists were found to be underutilized in the included studies and future multidisciplinary programs should take advantage of the wide range of skills that occupational therapists can contribute in this practice area.
Epistemonikos ID: 51e939f90ef83961f5b82d7384ae129ddc9827fb
First added on: Jul 30, 2011