Un caso de dopamina gangrena

Categoría Estudio primario
RevistaKorean Journal of Dermatology
Año 1997
Dopamine, a sympathomimetic agent, is one of the drugs used to improve cardiac output and blood pressure in advanced cardiac life-support in the context of conditions such as shock and heart failure. It is available only for intravenous use. We report a case of dopamine gangrene which has never been reported in Korean medical literature. Four gangrenous lesions developed in both forearms and the left leg of a 72-year-old man during a 7-day infusion of dopamine 3 microgram per kg per minute as treatment for septic shock, which corresponded to the injection sites. The gangrenous lesions healed up spontaneously leaving scars after administration of dopamine was discontinued.
Epistemonikos ID: 593d7d8e0d3535b8477bc451f84f98c0462188c6
First added on: Dec 13, 2015