Prevention of falls in old people-a review

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RevistaReviews in Clinical Gerontology
Año 2013
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Physical training, if including specific different training modalities, reduces the fall risk in healthy community-dwelling older people, as does a home hazards modification programme. Vitamin D supplementation in older individuals with low levels of vitamin D, adjustment of psychotropic medication, and structured modification of multi-pharmacy are all drug-focused programmes that reduce the number of falls. Anti-slip shoe devices during icy conditions for older people who walk outdoors and multifaceted podiatry in patients with specific foot disability reduce the fall risk. First eye cataract surgery and pacemakers in patients with cardio-inhibitory carotid sinus hypersensitivity are surgical interventions that reduce the fall risk. Multi-factorial preventive programmes that include training, both individually designed and generally prescribed, also reduce the fall frequency. With this in mind, we ought to initiate fall preventive programmes in older people, especially in high-risk groups, to reduce the number of falls and fallers in society. © 2013 Cambridge University Press.
Epistemonikos ID: 66bffcfcda486a4bc3b0be5a04cf5de6eae98242
First added on: Apr 24, 2019