Effects of oral Shilajit tablets on sexual function and sexual quality of life among reproductive-Aged women: a triple-blind randomized clinical trial

Categoría Estudio primario
Año 2023
Background: Shilajit is mentioned in the "Kama Sutra" as a potent enhancer of sexual desire. This study aimed to investigate the effects of oral Shilajit tablets on sexual function and sexual quality of life among women of reproductive age. Methods: Forty‐eight reproductive‐Aged women participated in a placebo‐controlled triple‐blind clinical trial. The intervention group took oral Shilajit tablets (200 mg) twice daily for 60 days and the control group took the placebo. Data collection tools were Sexual Quality of Life‐Female and Female Sexual Function Index. Data were collected before the intervention, 30, 60, and 90 days after the start of the study. Results: Forty‐Three women completed the study. The mean score of total sexual function in the intervention group was significantly higher than before the intervention (P < 0.001). The mean score of sexual function was 28.93 after 90 days in the intervention group while it was 22.09 in the control group. This finding was observed in most domains of the sexual function index. The mean score of sexual quality of life increased after 60 days of intervention in both groups; however, the difference was not statistically significant (P = 0.094). Conclusion: The study indicated that Shilajit, as a complementary therapy, may improve sexual function and most of its domains; while there was no effect on improving the quality of sexual life.
Epistemonikos ID: 6b551f7602d5b79466b40ff29a642893902a09d6
First added on: Dec 07, 2023