The uncounted dead--American civilians dying overseas.

Aún no traducido Aún no traducido
Categoría Estudio primario
RevistaPublic health reports (Washington, D.C. : 1974)
Año 1992
The Federal Government, U.S. physicians, their patients who travel, insurance companies, the travel industry, and multinational corporations should know the health hazards facing Americans overseas. However, the deaths overseas of almost 5,000 Americans every year have never been analyzed. A previously unreported, unexamined data source is analyzed by cause, sex, age, length of stay, and country of death of Americans dying overseas. The major findings are 1. Most Americans who die overseas die in the developed countries of Western Europe, where most Americans live or visit. The patterns of deaths in these countries are similar to death patterns in the United States. 2. Surprisingly, the deaths of Americans in less developed countries are not from infectious and tropical disease, as many health professionals would expect, but are from chronic diseases, injuries, suicides, and homicides. The importance of these findings for the Federal Government, travelers' clinics, insurance companies, multinational corporations, and Americans living and traveling overseas is discussed.
Epistemonikos ID: 6f87c69b9c9160aadaa9a5e60da1e4fc816fa201
First added on: Nov 24, 2021