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Revista Hepatology research : the official journal of the Japan Society of Hepatology
Año 2014
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AIM: Acoustic radiation force impulse (ARFI) technology, involving the shear wave velocity (SWV) with virtual touch tissue quantification (VTTQ), are currently available for the assessment of liver fibrosis, while there is no index derived from the combination of SWV and blood tests. The aim of this study was to develop a new index for assessment of liver fibrosis. METHODS: The subjects were 176 consecutive patients with hepatitis C (training set [n = 120] and validation set [n = 56]) who underwent liver biopsy in our institution. RESULTS: In the training set, SWV, international normalized ratio (INR) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) correlated independently and significantly with fibrosis. According to this, we developed the VIA index = -1.282 + 0.965 × SWV + 1.785 INR + 0.00185 ALT. The areas under the receiver-operator curve (AUROC) of the VIA index were 0.838 for the diagnosis of significant fibrosis (≥F2), 0.904 for the severe fibrosis (≥F3) and 0.958 for the cirrhosis (F4) in the training set. While in the validation set, AUROC of the VIA index were 0.917 for F2 or higher, 0.906 for F3 or higher and 1.000 for F4, respectively. AUROC of the VIA index was improved compared to SWV alone, equivalent for VIA for the diagnosis of F2 or higher, and superior to that of FIB-4 index and aspartate aminotransferase-to-platelet ratio index for the diagnosis of F3 or higher and F4. CONCLUSION: The VIA index is potentially more useful for assessment of liver fibrosis than SWV alone, and easily and accurately measures liver fibrosis stage.

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Revista Journal of viral hepatitis
Año 2014
Evaluación de la fibrosis hepática es crítico para el éxito de la gestión de la enfermedad individualizada en personas con hepatitis B crónica (CHB) o la hepatitis crónica C (HCC). Hemos ampliado y validado índices de marcador sérico para proporcionar métodos precisos, reproducibles y de fácil aplicación de la evaluación de la fibrosis. resultados de la biopsia hepática de más de 284 CHB y 2304 pacientes con HCC en la hepatitis crónica Cohort Study ( 'CHeCS') fueron asignadas a una escala equivalente F0-F4. APRI y FIB-4 puntajes dentro de una ventana de 6 meses de la biopsia fueron asignadas a la misma escala. Un nuevo algoritmo se aplicó para obtener y validar los límites óptimos para diferenciar los niveles de fibrosis. Para la predicción de fibrosis avanzada y cirrosis, la puntuación FIB-4 superó a los otros índices de marcador sérico de la cohorte CHC y fue similar a APRI en la cohorte CHB. El área bajo la curvas características de funcionamiento (AUROC) para el FIB-4 en la diferenciación de F3-F4 de F0-F2 (IC del 95%: 0,80 a 0,92) 0,86 para CHB y 0,83 (IC del 95%: 0,81 hasta 0,85) para el CHC . Los puntos de corte sugeridos basados ​​en el FIB-4 modelo producido altos valores predictivos positivos [CHB: 90,0% para F0-F2, 100,0% para la cirrosis (F4); CHC: 89,7% para F0-F2; 82,9% para la cirrosis (F4)]. En este gran cohorte observacional, FIB-4 predijo el extremo superior e inferior del estadio de fibrosis hepática (cirrosis y F0-F2, respectivamente), con un alto grado de exactitud, tanto en CHB y los pacientes con HCC.

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Revista Hepatology research : the official journal of the Japan Society of Hepatology
Año 2014
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AIM: en tiempo real la elastografía de tejidos (RTE) es un método no invasivo para medir la elasticidad de los tejidos mediante ecografía. La fibrosis hepática (LF) índice es un método cuantitativo para la evaluación de la fibrosis hepática calculado por características de la imagen RTE. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar la importancia del índice LF para la predicción de la fibrosis hepática en pacientes con hepatitis C crónica. MÉTODOS: En este estudio prospectivo, se incluyeron 115 pacientes con hepatitis C crónica que se sometieron a una biopsia hepática, y se evaluó la precisión diagnóstica del índice LF y los marcadores séricos de fibrosis. RESULTADOS: imágenes RTE se realizó con éxito en todos los pacientes. Índice LF mediana en pacientes con F0-1, F2, F3 y F4 fueron 2,61, 3,07, 3,54 y 4,25, respectivamente, lo que demuestra un aumento gradual con la progresión de la fibrosis hepática (p <0,001). LF índice (odds ratio [OR] = 5,3, 95% intervalo de confianza [IC] = 2,2-13,0) y el recuento de plaquetas (OR = 0,78; IC del 95% = 0,68 hasta 0,89) se asociaron de forma independiente con la presencia de fibrosis avanzada (F3 -4). Además, el índice de LF se asoció de forma independiente con la presencia de fibrosis mínima (F0-1) (OR = 0,25; IC del 95% = 0,11-0,55). El área bajo la curva receptor-operador (AUROC) de índice de LF para la predicción de fibrosis avanzada (0,84) fue superior a las plaquetas (0,82), FIB-4 índice (0,80) y aspartato aminotransferasa / índice de plaquetas ratio (APRI) (0.76). AUROC del índice LF (0,81) fue superior a las plaquetas (0,73), FIB-4 índice (0,79) y el APRI (0.78) en la predicción de la fibrosis mínima. CONCLUSIÓN: índice LF calculada por RTE es útil para predecir la fibrosis hepática y la precisión diagnóstica del índice LF es superior al suero marcadores de fibrosis.

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Revista Journal of medical virology
Año 2014
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The degree of liver fibrosis is strongly associated with the antiviral effect of interferon on chronic hepatitis C patients. In this study, the accuracy of acoustic radiation force impulse (ARFI) in assessing liver fibrosis and the association between liver stiffness using ARFI and antiviral effects were investigated. The 124 patients with chronic hepatitis C enrolled in this study included 94 with HCV genotype 1 and 40 (30%) with moderate fibrosis (METAVIR fibrosis score ≥ F2). Sixty-one patients received pegylated interferon (peg-IFN) plus ribavirin combination therapy and the treatment responses were assessed. The shear wave velocity (Vs value) by ARFI had a strong correlation with the histological fibrosis stage (P < 0.001). The AUROC of the Vs value, aspartate aminotransferase platelet ratio index and FIB4 for the diagnoses of moderate fibrosis (≥F2) were 0.890, 0.779, and 0.737, respectively. HCV genotype 1 patients with the TT allele of IL28B and with a low Vs value (<1.40 m/sec) who were treated with peg-IFN plus ribavirin therapy achieved a sustained virologic response at a rate of 79% (15/19), while all patients with the TG/GG allele of IL28B and a high Vs value (≥1.40 m/sec) experienced a non-virologic response (6/6). The Vs value measured by ARFI could not predict the treatment response for patients with HCV genotype 2. It is concluded that the combination of ARFI at cut off of 1.4 m/sec and IL28B may be useful for patients with chronic hepatitis C with genotype 1 treated with peg-IFN/ribavirin combination therapy.

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Revista Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics
Año 2014
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BACKGROUND: Staging of liver fibrosis in patients with chronic hepatitis C (CHC) is recommended prior to anti-viral therapy. As vWF-Ag was shown as a predictor of portal hypertension, decompensation and mortality in patients with liver cirrhosis, we performed this study to investigate if vWF-Ag is able to predict different fibrosis stages and if it is comparable to other fibrosis scores. AIM: To investigate if vWF-Ag is able to predict different fibrosis stages and if it is comparable to other fibrosis scores. METHODS: We analysed 294 patients with chronic hepatitis C who underwent biopsy. We assessed stage of liver fibrosis according to Metavir, measured vWF-Ag and calculated different fibrosis scores (APRI, FCI, FORNS, FI, Fib-4) and compared them by AUCs. We also calculated a new score: vWF-Ag/thrombocytes (VITRO score) for prediction of fibrosis. RESULTS: vWF-Ag levels were increasing with stage of fibrosis: F0: vWF-Ag was median 136.5%, FI 140.6%, FII 157.5%, FIII 171.0%, FIV 252.0%; P < 0.001. vWF-Ag and VITRO score produced AUCs of 0.7 and 0.72 for ≥F2, comparable to the AUCs of APRI, Fib-4, FORNS with 0.75, 0.65 and 0.64 (P > 0.05). For ≥F3 AUCs were 0.79 and 0.86 for vWF-Ag and VITRO score, comparable with AUCs of 0.79, 0.86 and 0.87 for APRI, Fib-4 and FORNS. Cirrhosis shows AUCs of 0.84 and 0.89 for vWF-Ag and VITRO score, APRI, Fib-4 and FORNS showed similar results with AUCs of 0.82, 0.88 and 0.87. CONCLUSIONS: vWF-Ag and VITRO score offer an easy possibility to evaluate the stage of fibrosis to diagnose subclinical cirrhosis in patients with chronic hepatitis C. Both vWF-Ag and VITRO score show equal performance in comparison to other fibrosis scores assessed in our study.

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Revista Scandinavian journal of clinical and laboratory investigation
Año 2014
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AIM: To provide a simple fibrosis index combining the routine laboratory markers for predicting significant fibrosis (SF) and cirrhosis in patients with chronic HCV. METHODS: Platelet count, ALT, AST, AST to ALT Ratio, AST to Platelet Ratio Index (APRI), Forns index, FIB-4 and Age Platelet Index of 202 liver biopsy performed HCV-infected patients were reviewed. METAVIR classification was used to determine the stage of liver fibrosis. The predictive fibrosis index was constructed by multiple linear regression analysis (- 2.948 + 0.562 × Forns index + 0.288 × APRI + 0.006 × platelet count [10(9)/L]). RESULTS: Median (25th-75th interquartile range) age was 52 (42-59) years, and 61% were male. 65.8% (n = 133) had SF (F2-F4) and 23.3% (n = 47) had cirrhosis (F4). For discrimination of SF, AUROCs were: Fibrosis index = 0.869, Forns index = 0.837, APRI = 0.814, platelet count = 0.764. For cirrhosis, AUROCs were: Fibrosis index = 0.911, Forns index = 0.883, APRI = 0.847, platelet count = 0.827. A cut-off point of ≤ 1.2 for fibrosis index excluded SF in 89% of patients with sensitivity of 96%, while > 2.0 predicted SF in 88% of patients with specificity of 86%. Threshold of ≤ 1.9 excluded cirrhosis in 95% of patients with sensitivity of 94%, while > 2.7 showed cirrhosis in 88% of patients with specificity of 95%. In multivariate logistic regression analysis, OR (95% CI) of fibrosis index was 7.825 (3.682-16.629) for SF (p < 0.001) and was 8.672 (4.179-17.996) for cirrhosis (p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: SF and cirrhosis were predicted with accuracy of 82% and 89% and were excluded with accuracy of 74% and 82% using this fibrosis index which may potentially decrease the need for liver biopsy in 76% and 83% of patients, respectively.

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Revista European journal of gastroenterology & hepatology
Año 2013
OBJETIVOS: El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el uso potencial de suero factor de crecimiento transformante β1 (TGF-β1), inhibidor tisular de la metaloproteinasa-1 (TIMP-1), fetuina-A, y el factor de crecimiento de fibroblastos 21 (FGF21) en la detección de la fibrosis hepática en pacientes con hepatitis B crónica (CHB). También se examinó - El valor de los modelos de fibrosis no invasivos - es decir, la aspartato aminotransferasa índice de la relación de plaquetas (APRI), el índice de fibrosis basado en los cuatro factores (FIB-4), y el índice de puntuación de Forn. Material y métodos: pacientes que se sometieron a CHB biopsia hepática para la evaluación de la fibrosis fueron incluidos en el estudio. Un total de 73 pacientes fueron divididos en dos grupos en función de su puntuación METAVIR (F0-1, no / fibrosis mínima; F2-4, fibrosis significativa). Se midieron los niveles séricos de TGF-β1, TIMP-1, fetuina-A, y FGF21 además APRI, FIB-4, y las puntuaciones del Forn. El área bajo la curva ROC fue medida para cada parámetro, seguido por el cálculo de la sensibilidad, especificidad y valores predictivos positivos y negativos. RESULTADOS: APRI, FIB-4, y las puntuaciones del índice de Forn fueron significativamente mayores en los pacientes con fibrosis significativa (P <0,05). No hubo diferencia entre no / mínima fibrosis y grupos fibrosis significativa en términos de los niveles séricos de TGF-1, TIMP-1, fetuina-A, y FGF21 (P> 0,05). Las áreas bajo la curva ROC para el TGF-β1, TIMP-1, fetuina-A, FGF21, APRI, FIB-4, y el índice de Forn fueron 0.445, 0.483, 0.436, 0.585, 0.662, 0.687 y 0.680, respectivamente. CONCLUSIÓN: Nuestros resultados sugieren que el suero de TGF-β1, TIMP-1, fetuina-A, y FGF21 no son útiles para la evaluación de la extensión de la fibrosis hepática en CHB en este grupo de pacientes. Sin embargo, APRI, FIB-4, y el Forn del índice tiene un mejor valor diagnóstico en pacientes con fibrosis significativa que en aquellos con no / mínima fibrosis.

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Revista Radiology
Año 2013
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PURPOSE: To compare the diagnostic performance of acoustic radiation force impulse (ARFI) elastography with that of FibroScan M and XL probes and FibroTest in the staging of fibrosis in patients with chronic liver disease. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study received ethics approval, and all participants provided written informed consent. A total of 321 consecutive patients with chronic liver disease who underwent liver biopsy were prospectively enrolled from April 2010 to May 2012. Liver disease was caused by viral hepatitis (n = 136), alcoholic or nonalcoholic steatohepatitis disorders (n = 113), or some other disease (n = 72). In each patient, liver stiffness was evaluated with ARFI elastography, M and XL probes, and FibroTest within 1 month before liver biopsy. Histologic staging of liver fibrosis served as the reference standard. RESULTS: Liver stiffness measurement failure rates were 11.2% with the M probe (36 of 321 patients), 2.3% with the XL probe (six of 260 patients), and 0% with ARFI elastography (0 of 321 patients). Unreliable results with ARFI elastography were more frequent in obese patients (those with a body mass index of 30 kg/m(2) or more) (42 of 86 patients [48.8%] vs 34 of 235 patients [14.5%], P < .0001). No significant difference was found between ARFI elastography and the M probe in the diagnosis of cirrhosis (area under under the receiver operating characteristic curve [Az], 0.88 vs 0.91; P = .12) or severe fibrosis (Az, 0.85 vs 0.89; P = .15); however, the M probe demonstrated better results in the diagnosis of moderate fibrosis (Az, 0.81 vs 0.88; P = .008). No significant difference was found between ARFI elastography and the XL probe in the diagnosis of moderate fibrosis, severe fibrosis, or cirrhosis. The diagnostic performance of ARFI elastography improved when it was applied in nonobese patients (Az of ARFI for cirrhosis and severe fibrosis = 0.92 and 0.91, respectively, in nonobese patients [P = .0002] and 0.63 and 0.63, respectively, in obese patients [P < .0001]). CONCLUSION: ARFI elastography is reliable in the assessment of liver fibrosis in patients with chronic liver disease, especially nonobese patients.

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Revista Hepatology research : the official journal of the Japan Society of Hepatology
Año 2013
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AIM: We sought to evaluate the performance of transient elastography (TE) for the assessment of liver fibrosis in chronic hepatitis C (CHC) patients with beta-thalassemia. METHODS: Seventy-six CHC patients with beta-thalassemia underwent TE, liver biopsy, T2 -weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for the assessment of liver iron content (LIC) and laboratory evaluation. The accuracy of TE and its correlation with the other variables was assessed. RESULTS: TE values increased proportional to fibrosis stage (r = 0.404, P < 0.001), but was independent of T2 -weighted MRI-LIC (r = 0.064, P = 0.581). In multivariate analysis, fibrosis stage was still associated with the log-transformed TE score(standardized β = 0.42 for F4 stage of METAVIR, P = 0.001). No correlation was noted between LIC and TE score (standardized β = 0.064, P = 0.512). The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve for prediction of cirrhosis was 80% (95% confidence interval, 59-100%). A cut-off TE score of 11 had a sensitivity of 78% and specificity of 88.1% for diagnosing cirrhosis. The best cut-off values for "TE-FIB-4 cirrhosis score" comprising TE and FIB-4 and "TE-APRI cirrhosis score" combining TE with aspartate aminotransferase-to-platelet ratio index (APRI) both had 87.5% sensitivity and 91.04% specificity for the diagnosis of cirrhosis. CONCLUSION: Regardless of LIC, TE alone or when combined with FIB-4 or APRI, is a diagnostic tool with moderate to high accuracy to evaluate liver fibrosis in CHC patients with beta-thalassemia. However, because splenectomy in a proportion of our subjects might have affected the platelet count, the scores utilizing APRI and FIB-4 should be interpreted cautiously.

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Revista PloS one
Año 2013
OBJETIVOS: Este estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar la asociación entre la ceruloplasmina (CP) niveles, grado inflamación y estadios de fibrosis en pacientes con hepatitis B crónica (CHB) y establecer un modelo no invasivo para predecir la cirrosis. MÉTODOS: muestras de biopsia del hígado y los sueros fueron recogidos de 198 pacientes con HBC asignados al azar en un grupo de entrenamiento (n = 109) y un grupo de validación (n = 89). niveles de PC se determinaron utilizando inmunoensayos nefelométricas. Las relaciones entre CP y la inflamación y la fibrosis hepática se analizaron mediante correlación de Spearman. característica (ROC) curvas de operador receptor se utilizaron para evaluar el valor diagnóstico del CP para la determinación de la fibrosis hepática en CHB. El modelo predictivo-patología hepática se construyó utilizando el análisis de regresión logística multivariante para identificar los indicadores pertinentes. RESULTADOS: niveles de PC fueron menores en los hombres que en mujeres, menor en los pacientes con estadio inflamación G4 en comparación con otras etapas y más baja en comparación con los pacientes cirróticos no cirróticos. El uso de área bajo los valores de la curva (AUC), los niveles de CP distinguen diferentes etapas de la inflamación y fibrosis. El análisis multivariado mostró que los niveles de CP estaban significativamente asociados con cirrosis en varones. Se desarrolló un modelo que combina los marcadores de laboratorio de rutina APPCI (alfa-fetoproteína [AFP], tiempo de protrombina y plaquetas [PLT] con CP) para predecir la fibrosis en pacientes con HBC. El APPCI tenía una AUC significativamente mayor que el FIB-4 (aspartato aminotransferasa [AST] / alanina aminotransferasa [ALT] / PLT / edad), APRI (AST / PLT índice de la relación), GPI (globina / PLT), y APGA (AST / / gamaglutamil transpeptidasa) modelos [GGT] PLT (todos los valores de p <0,001). CONCLUSIONES: niveles de PC se correlacionan negativamente e indirectamente con etapas de inflamación y fibrosis en pacientes con HBC masculinos. El modelo APPCI utiliza variables de laboratorio de rutina con parálisis cerebral para predecir con precisión la fibrosis hepática en CHB.