Cost-utility analysis of 1-year treatment with adalimumab/standard care and standard care alone for ulcerative colitis in Poland.

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RevistaEuropean journal of clinical pharmacology
Año 2016
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Until recently, surgery was the only remaining choice for moderate to severe chronic ulcerative colitis patients who failed standard treatment or when it was not tolerated. Anti-TNFα treatment is a new, non-invasive option for the management of ulcerative colitis. The objective of this study was to assess the cost-effectiveness of induction and maintenance treatment up to 1 year of ulcerative colitis with adalimumab/standard care and standard care alone in Poland.


A Markov model was used to estimate the expected costs and effects of adalimumab/standard care and a standard care alone. For each treatment option, the costs and quality adjusted life years were calculated to estimate the incremental cost-utility ratio. The analysis was performed from the perspective of the Polish public payer and society over a 30-year time horizon. Different direct and indirect costs and utility values were assigned to the various model health states.


The treatment of ulcerative colitis patients with adalimumab/standard care up to 1 year instead of a standard care alone resulted in 0.14 additional years of life with full health (QALYs). The incremental cost-utility ratio of adalimumab/standard care compared to the standard care alone is estimated to be 76,120 €/QALY gained from NHF perspective and 71,457 €/QALY gained from social perspective.


The biologic treatment of ulcerative colitis patients with adalimumab/standard care is more effective but also more costly compared with standard care alone.
Epistemonikos ID: 90352b3137411ae50b8875b379fb3163bfdb5dc6
First added on: Dec 18, 2021