Gangrena gaseosa fulminante en adolescente con inmunodeficiencia. Reporte de caso y revisión de la literatur

Categoría Revisión sistemática
RevistaRev. Fac. Med. (Bogotá)
Año 2016
Abstract Immunity defects are important predisposing factors to aggressive infections with high risk of mortality. The case of a teenager with a history of immunodeficiency, who developed gas gangrene infection originated in the left lower limb is reported here. The disease progressed in less than 24 hours, developed systemic involvement and led to multiple organ failure and death. Pathophysiological aspects and features of the agent are reviewed here, highlighting the importance of high index of clinical suspicion and immediate handling.
Epistemonikos ID: a2c8a7ddfb2518dd9985d497d19f4e8959fa2d6f
First added on: Apr 27, 2019