Effect of Shilajit Rasayana compound in Diabetic Nerve Damage

Categoría Estudio primario
Año 2012
INTERVENTION: Intervention1: Shilajit Rasayana Compound: 2 capsules 500mg each,twice a day with warm water for duration of 8 weeks Followed by follow up of 4 weeks in both groups with Placebo capsules of Barley flour Control Intervention1: COMPARATOR AGENT‐ BARLEY FLOUR CAPSULES AS PLACEBO : 2 capsules of 500mg,twice a day with warm water for duration of 8 weeks Followed by follow up of 4 weeks in both groups with Placebo capsules CONDITION: Diabetic Distal Symmetric Poly Neuropathy PRIMARY OUTCOME: Agnibala, Rogabala, and Chetasbala,Quality Of Life(WHO QoL) â?? BREF20, Biothesiometer for quantitative vibration assessment, Michigan Neuropathy Screening Instrument score (MNSI)and Modified Toronto Clinical Neuropathy Score‐‐‐‐‐‐Timepoint: 12 weeks (90) SECONDARY OUTCOME: HBA1c‐‐‐‐‐‐Timepoint: 90days INCLUSION CRITERIA: Metabolically stable Type 2 diabetic patients with symptomatic diabetic sensorimotorpolyneuropathy (DSPN) Patients of either sex between the age group 18â??80 years
Epistemonikos ID: defda137d34aea71fe317b45e9f382a135464ab6
First added on: Aug 22, 2024