Integrating illness concerns into cognitive behavioral therapy for children and adolescents with inflammatory bowel disease and co-occurring anxiety.

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Categoría Estudio primario
RevistaJournal for specialists in pediatric nursing : JSPN
Año 2013
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To examine the feasibility and preliminary benefits of an integrative cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) with adolescents with inflammatory bowel disease and anxiety.


Nine adolescents participated in a CBT program at their gastroenterologist's office. Structured diagnostic interviews, self-report measures of anxiety and pain, and physician-rated disease severity were collected pretreatment and post-treatment.


Postintervention, 88% of adolescents were treatment responders, and 50% no longer met criteria for their principal anxiety disorder. Decreases were demonstrated in anxiety, pain, and disease severity.


Anxiety screening and a mental health referral to professionals familiar with medical management issues is important.
Epistemonikos ID: e852e1974ea0ba1510c7e0dcceb9a29076e5408b
First added on: May 30, 2017