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Revista Annals of the rheumatic diseases
Año 2009
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OBJETIVO: Evaluar la eficacia a largo plazo y la tolerabilidad de adalimumab en el tratamiento de la artritis psoriásica (APs). MÉTODOS: Los pacientes con artritis psoriásica que completaron las 24 semanas, doble ciego, de adalimumab versus placebo fueron elegibles para inscribirse en un estudio de extensión de etiqueta abierta y recibir adalimumab 40 mg por vía subcutánea cada dos semanas durante hasta un máximo de 120 semanas. En el momento de este análisis, las evaluaciones disponibles de eficacia en todo 2 años de tratamiento (n = 245) incluyó American College of Rheumatology (ACR) 20%, 50% y 70% de las puntuaciones de mejora, las medidas de enfermedad de las articulaciones y la enfermedad de la piel, la discapacidad y la calidad de la vida, las puntuaciones totales de Sharp modificado (mTSS) estaban disponibles para 2,75 años de tratamiento para los pacientes que recibieron adalimumab en el estudio de 24 semanas. RESULTADOS: Tras 24 semanas de tratamiento doble ciego, la media del cambio en mTSS fue de -0,2 para el grupo de adalimumab (N = 144) y 1,0 para el grupo placebo (N = 152, p <0,001), y los resultados de todos los individuos ACR variables que lo componen se han mejorado significativamente en comparación con adalimumab pacientes tratados con placebo. En comparación con las respuestas de 24 semanas, la inhibición de la progresión radiográfica y la mejora de enfermedad de las articulaciones se mantuvieron en la mayoría de los pacientes durante el largo plazo, de etiqueta abierta de tratamiento con adalimumab. Además, las mejoras en la enfermedad de la piel se mantuvieron, con> 20% de los pacientes que alcanzaron el criterio estricto de la zona de la psoriasis y el índice de gravedad de 100. La naturaleza y frecuencia de eventos adversos durante el tratamiento a largo plazo de adalimumab fueron consistentes con el perfil de seguridad durante el tratamiento a corto plazo. CONCLUSIONES: La eficacia clínica y radiográfica de adalimumab ha demostrado durante el tratamiento a corto plazo se mantiene durante el tratamiento a largo plazo. Adalimumab tiene un favorable perfil de riesgo-beneficio en pacientes con artritis psoriásica. Prueba número de registro: NCT00195689.

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Revista Gut
Año 2009
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ANTECEDENTES Y OBJETIVOS: Este estudio evalúa la seguridad a largo plazo de infliximab en pacientes con enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal (EII) tratados con el fármaco durante un período de 14 años. MÉTODOS: Las historias clínicas de 734 pacientes con EII tratados con infliximab y 666 pacientes de control no tratados con infliximab fueron revisados ​​por los eventos adversos. El tiempo de aparición y el resultado, la gravedad y la medicación concomitante se registraron. Resultados: Los pacientes y los controles fueron seguidos durante los eventos adversos graves para un tiempo medio de 58 meses (IQR 33-88) y 144 meses (IQR 83-163), respectivamente. 112 eventos adversos graves se produjeron en 93 pacientes (13%) tratados con infliximab y 157 se produjeron en 126 pacientes del grupo control (19%) (OR 1,33 (IC del 95% 0,56-3,00, p = 0,45). No hubo diferencias entre los dos grupos en la mortalidad, neoplasias malignas y la tasa de infección. La tuberculosis se diagnosticó en dos pacientes que recibieron infliximab que tenía pruebas cutáneas negativas al inicio del estudio, mientras que ninguno de los 16 pacientes con pruebas cutáneas positivas que recibieron profilaxis de la tuberculosis desarrollado. El tratamiento concomitante con esteroides fue el único factor de riesgo independiente para las infecciones en los pacientes tratados con infliximab (OR 2,69 (IC del 95% 1.18 a 6.12), p = 0,018). Los efectos secundarios sistémicos más comúnmente observados fueron erupciones de la piel incluyendo erupciones psoriasiformes en 150 pacientes (20%). Conclusiones: El tratamiento con infliximab a largo plazo tuvieron una buen perfil de seguridad global en la cohorte de pacientes estudiados.

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Revista Annals of the rheumatic diseases
Año 2009
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OBJETIVO: monoterapia con etanercept se ha estudiado y aprobado para el tratamiento de la artritis idiopática juvenil poliarticular (AIJ). El siguiente estudio evalúa la seguridad y eficacia de la terapia de combinación de etanercept y metotrexato en comparación con la monoterapia con etanercept en la AIJ. Métodos: Se desempeñasen un estudio abierto, no aleatorizado en pacientes que habían fracasado previamente para responder a al menos un fármaco antirreumático modificador de la enfermedad (DMARD). Un total de 722 pacientes con AIJ en los cuales al menos 1 punto de datos de seguimiento se registró fueron identificados; de estos, se excluyeron 118 pacientes tratados con otros fármacos de acción lenta. En total, 504 pacientes fueron tratados con una combinación de etanercept y metotrexato. Un total de 100 pacientes tratados con etanercept solamente estaban en el grupo de control. La eficacia se calcula utilizando el Colegio Americano de Reumatología Pediátrica puntajes de 30, 50 y 70% de mejora (PedACR30 / 50/70). Se informaron eventos adversos (AA) y los eventos adversos graves (AAG). Resultados: Después de 12 meses de 55 pacientes en el grupo de monoterapia y 376 pacientes en el grupo de etanercept y metotrexato estaban disponibles para la comparación. Para la intención de tratar el análisis, se incluyeron 65 pacientes que interrumpieron el tratamiento prematuramente. Todos los parámetros de actividad disminuyó significativamente en ambos grupos de tratamiento. Después de 12 meses 81% / 74% / 62% de los pacientes del grupo de etanercept y metotrexato y el 70% / 63% / 45% de los pacientes del grupo de monoterapia con etanercept logrado PedACR30 / 50/70 puntuaciones, respectivamente (p <0,05 para PedACR30 , p <0,01 para PedACR70). La probabilidad de lograr un PedACR70 aumentó con la terapia de combinación con una odds ratio de 2,1 (IC del 95%: 1,2 a 3,5). En total, 25 infecciosas y 23 reacciones adversas graves no infecciosas incluyendo 3 malignidades ocurrieron en el grupo etanercept y metotrexato, y 1 infecciosas y 3 EAG no infecciosa se produjeron en el grupo de etanercept solo. CONCLUSIONES: actividad de la enfermedad de los pacientes mejoró durante la monoterapia con etanercept y la terapia de combinación etanercept y metotrexato. La tolerabilidad en ambos grupos de tratamiento fue comparable.

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Revista Gut
Año 2009
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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: This observational study assessed the long-term clinical benefit of infliximab (IFX) in 614 consecutive patients with Crohn's disease (CD) from a single centre during a median follow-up of 55 months (interquartile range (IQR) 27-83). METHODS: The primary analysis looked at the proportion of patients with initial response to IFX who had sustained clinical benefit at the end of follow-up. The long-term effects of IFX on the course of CD as reflected by the rate of surgery and hospitalisations and need for corticosteroids were also analysed. RESULTS: 10.9% of patients were primary non-responders to IFX. Sustained benefit was observed in 347 of the 547 patients (63.4%) receiving long-term treatment. In 68.3% of these, treatment with IFX was ongoing and in 31.7% IFX was stopped, with the patient being in remission. Seventy patients (12.8%) had to stop IFX due to side effects and 118 (21.6%) due to loss of response. Although the yearly drop-out rates of IFX in patients with episodic (10.7%) and scheduled treatment (7.1%) were similar, the need for hospitalisations and surgery decreased less in the episodic than in the scheduled group. Steroid discontinuation also occurred in a higher proportion of patients in the scheduled group than in the episodic group. CONCLUSIONS: In this large real-life cohort of patients with CD, long-term treatment with IFX was very efficacious to maintain improvement during a median follow-up of almost 5 years and changed disease outcome by decreasing the rate of hospitalisations and surgery.

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Revista Ugeskrift for laeger
Año 2009
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INTRODUCTION: The use of anti-tumour necrosis factor (anti-TNF) therapy is increasing in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), spondyloarthropathy, psoriasis and inflammatory bowel disease. It is being debated whether treatment of patients with rheumatic diseases with anti-TNF therapy is associated with an increased cancer incidence. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A descriptive study of cancer cases among 3,688 patients with rheumatic diseases who received anti-TNF therapy was performed. The patients were identified in the nationwide database DANBIO and had a total number of treatment years of 6,092 years. All cancer cases were identified and the cancer diagnoses were subsequently confirmed by medical record review. RESULTS: A total of 30 cancers in 28 of 3,688 patients were registered in the DANBIO after initiation of anti-TNF therapy in the period from October 2000 to June 2007. Among these six men and 20 women had RA, and two men had Morbus Becterew. The following cancer types were observed: malignant lymphoma 2 (7%), lung 4 (13%), plicae vocalis 2 (7%), breast 4 (13%), pancreatic 3 (10%), colorectal 2 (7%), prostate 1 (3%), malignant melanoma 3 (10%) and non-melanoma skin cancer 9 (30%). CONCLUSION: In our descriptive study from the nationwide database DANBIO, a total of 30 cancers were observed in 3,688 patients with rheumatic diseases within a cumulated period of treatment with anti-TNF of 6,092 years. Follow-up for anti-rheumatic and adverse effects in patients in the DANBIO database will continue. Future studies must reveal whether anti-TNF therapy is associated with an increased cancer risk. Planned Danish studies will include relevant control groups and adjustment for confounders.

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Revista Autoimmunity reviews
Año 2009
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The objective was to estimate the incidence of serious infections in the patients treated with anti-TNFalpha agents for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) recorded in the Lombardy Rheumatology Network (LORHEN) registry. The study inclusion criteria were met by 1064 of the 1114 patients with long-standing RA, 519 treated with infliximab, 303 with adalimumab, and 242 with etanercept; their mean age was 55.8 years and the mean duration of RA 9.4 years. Seventy-three patients (6.9%) experienced a total of 74 serious infections, an incidence rate for all treatment courses of 35.9 per 1000 patient-years (95% confidence interval [95% CI] 27.66-44.13). Most were lower respiratory tract (34.2%) or skin and soft tissue infections (20.5%). Of the 1064 patients, the 790 treated with anti-TNFalpha after March 2002 underwent screening tests for LTBI; five patients developed active tuberculosis. Three patients died of septic shock. The type of anti-TNFalpha agent did not seem to affect the incidence or site of the infections. Both univariate and multivariate analyses identified age at the start of anti-TNFalpha treatment (p=0.008), baseline erythrocyte sedimentation rate ([ESR] p=0.014), and the concomitant use of corticosteroids (p=0.029) as significant predictors of infections. There was no statistically significant difference in risk between the anti-TNFalpha agents.

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Revista Rheumatology (Oxford, England)
Año 2009
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OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effectiveness and safety of adalimumab in treating patients with AS and advanced structural damage. METHODS: Patients with active AS [Bath AS Disease Activity Index (BASDAI) > or =4] received 40 mg of adalimumab every other week plus their standard anti-rheumatic therapies in this 12-week, open-label study. Investigators documented the presence or absence of advanced ankylosis based on previous radiographs. Stages IV (from 50 to <80% involvement in more than two spinal segments) and V (> or =80% spinal involvement, including bamboo spine) disease were considered as advanced AS. Effectiveness parameters included Assessment of SpondyloArthritis international Society (ASAS) criteria, BASDAI response and achievement of optimal sleep. Adverse events were reported throughout therapy and at a 70-day follow-up. RESULTS: The analysis population included 897 patients whose AS was not advanced (i.e. Stages I-III), 31 with Stage IV disease and 41 with Stage V disease. At Week 12, ASAS40/BASDAI 50 responses were achieved by 54%/57% of patients with AS Stages I-III, 48%/58% with AS Stage IV and 54%/66% with AS Stage V, respectively. ASAS partial remission rates were 30, 26 and 7% for patients with Stages I-III, IV and V disease, respectively. Serious infections occurred in three (<1%) patients with AS Stages I-III and in one (1%) patient with AS Stage V. CONCLUSIONS: After 12 weeks of adalimumab therapy, patients with advanced but active AS, including those with structural damage of > or =80% of the vertebrae, achieved improvements in signs and symptoms similar to those attained by patients whose AS was not advanced.

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Revista Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology : the official clinical practice journal of the American Gastroenterological Association
Año 2008
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BACKGROUND & AIMS: Data on safety and long-term follow-up evaluation of population-based cohorts of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients treated with infliximab are sparse. The aim of this article is to describe the use of infliximab in a national Danish population-based IBD cohort during 1999-2005. METHODS: Medical records of all infliximab-treated IBD patients were scrutinized to abstract information on patient demographics, treatment efficacy, and adverse events. RESULTS: A total of 651 patients (619 with Crohn's disease, 15 with ulcerative colitis, and 17 with colonic IBD type unclassified) received infliximab during 1999-2005. A total of 3351 infusions were administered, with a median of 3 infusions per patient. A positive clinical response was observed in 82.7% (95% confidence interval, 79.9-85.5) of patients. Infusion reactions were observed after 146 of 3351 infusions (4.4%). Significantly fewer infusion reactions were seen in patients also receiving azathioprine or methotrexate (63 of 2079; 3.0%), compared with patients not receiving azathioprine or methotrexate (83 of 1272; 6.5%) (P < .0001). Severe adverse events were observed after 112 of 3351 infusions (3.3%) in a total of 95 patients (14.6%). Four patients developed cancer versus 5.9 expected (standardized incidence ratio, 0.7; 95 confidence interval, 0.2-1.7) and 13 patients died versus 6.9 expected (standardized mortality ratio, 1.9; 95% confidence interval, 1.0-3.2). Two deaths caused by infections were possibly related to infliximab. CONCLUSIONS: Infliximab seemed effective in IBD and generally was well tolerated. However, rare but severe adverse events occurred, and patients receiving infliximab therefore should be selected carefully and monitored closely. No lymphomas and no increased risk of cancer were observed.

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Revista Annals of the rheumatic diseases
Año 2008
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OBJECTIVES: A large-scale postmarketing surveillance (PMS) study was carried out to determine the safety profile of infliximab in Japanese patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). METHODS: The PMS study was performed for all patients with RA who were treated with infliximab. They were consecutively registered in the PMS study at the initiation of infliximab treatment and were prospectively monitored with all adverse events noted for a period of 6 months. All case reports, which include safety-related events, were collected monthly. RESULTS: Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) were assessed for 6 months in 5000 patients who were consecutively enrolled in the PMS study. The incidence rates of total and serious ADRs were 28.0% and 6.2%, respectively. "Infections" or "respiratory disorders" were most commonly observed among serious ADRs. Bacterial pneumonia developed in 2.2%, tuberculosis in 0.3%, suspected Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia (PCP) in 0.4% and interstitial pneumonitis in 0.5%. Bacterial pneumonia (for which individuals of male gender, of older age and those with advanced rheumatoid arthritis and comorbid respiratory disease were most at risk) began to develop immediately after the start of treatment, while tuberculosis, PCP and interstitial pneumonitis developed about 1 month later. Serious infusion reactions were observed in 0.5% and were more likely to occur in patients who had participated in previous clinical trials of infliximab. CONCLUSION: This postmarketing surveillance study of patients treated with infliximab showed that infliximab in combination with low-dose MTX was well tolerated in Japanese patients with active RA.

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OBJETIVO: Investigar la eficacia a largo plazo / seguridad de infliximab más de 2 años en pacientes con artritis psoriásica activa (APs). MÉTODOS: En un principio, 104 pacientes fueron aleatorizados para recibir infusiones de ciego de 5 mg / kg o placebo en las semanas 0, 2, 6 y 14. En la semana 16, todos los pacientes recibieron infliximab 5 mg / kg cada 8 semanas hasta la semana 46. Setenta y ocho de los 87 pacientes que completaron el primer año continuaron en la extensión de etiqueta abierta a largo plazo y recibieron infliximab 5 mg / kg en las semanas 54, 62, 70, 78, 86 y 94. La variable primaria de eficacia para el estudio de extensión fue la proporción de pacientes con al menos 20% de mejora en el Colegio Americano de Reumatología criterios de respuesta (ACR20) en la semana 98. La progresión radiográfica se evaluó por la PSA-modificado por van der Heijde-Sharp resultados en los pacientes con radiografías disponibles en el momento basal y la semana 98 (n = 43). RESULTADOS: En la semana 98, el 62% (48/78) de los pacientes tratados con infliximab alcanzaron una respuesta ACR20, el 45% (35/78) y el 35% (27/78) de los pacientes alcanzaron respuestas ACR50 y ACR70, respectivamente. Entre los pacientes con Psoriasis Area de referencia y los resultados del Índice de Severidad> o = 2,5, el 64% (16/25) logró una mejoría> 75% del valor basal hasta la semana 98. El promedio estimado anual de progresión radiográfica, con el tratamiento con infliximab se redujo significativamente en comparación con la tasa de referencia estimado de progresión. No hay nuevos problemas de seguridad se han observado durante el segundo año del estudio. CONCLUSIÓN: El tratamiento con infliximab 5 mg / kg hasta la semana 94 produce una mejora sostenida de los síntomas de las articulaciones y la piel, inhibe la progresión radiológica, y continuó mostrando una favorable relación beneficio-riesgo en esta población con el tratamiento refractario a la artritis psoriásica.