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Treatment with the neuroprotective drug riluzole has previously been shown to increase the probability of survival in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. This report describes a placebo-controlled, double-blind randomised clinical trial of riluzole carried out in ALS patients with advanced stage disease or aged over 75 years. The primary objective was to enable access to treatment to patients excluded from the pivotal trial which was run in parallel. Another goal was to assess the safety of riluzole in patients with advanced-stage disease. One hundred and sixty-eight patients were included, randomised to either riluzole 50 mg b. i. d. or to placebo, and treated for eighteen months. Riluzole was well-tolerated in this patient population, and the adverse events observed were similar in nature and frequency to those observed in previously published clinical trials in patients included in pivotal trials. The study could not include enough patients to reach adequate power to detect differences in survival between the two treatment groups, and no such difference was in fact observed. In conclusion, riluzole is well-tolerated in ALS patients with advanced stage disease.
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Este artículo está incluido en 8 Revisiones sistemáticas Revisiones sistemáticas (8 referencias)
The N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) glutamate receptor antagonist ketamine may have rapid, albeit transient, antidepressant properties. This study in patients with treatment-resistant major depression (TRD) aimed to (1) replicate the acute efficacy of single-dose intravenous (i.v.) ketamine; (2) test the efficacy of the glutamate-modulating agent riluzole in preventing post-ketamine relapse; and (3) examine whether pretreatment with lamotrigine would attenuate ketamine's psychotomimetic effects and enhance its antidepressant activity. Twenty-six medication-free patients received open-label i.v. ketamine (0.5 mg/kg over 40 min). Two hours prior to infusion, patients were randomized to lamotrigine (300 mg) or placebo. Seventeen patients (65%) met response criterion (≥50% reduction from baseline on the Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale) 24 h following ketamine. Lamotrigine failed to attenuate the mild, transient side-effects associated with ketamine and did not enhance its antidepressant effects. Fourteen patients (54%) met response criterion 72 h following ketamine and proceeded to participate in a 32-d, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, flexible-dose continuation trial of riluzole (100-200 mg/d). The main outcome measure was time-to-relapse. An interim analysis found no significant differences in time-to-relapse between riluzole and placebo groups [log-rank 2=0.17, d.f.=1, p=0.68], with 80% of patients relapsing on riluzole vs. 50% on placebo. The trial was thus stopped for futility. This pilot study showed that a sub-anaesthetic dose of i.v. ketamine is well-tolerated in TRD, and may have rapid and sustained antidepressant properties. Riluzole did not prevent relapse in the first month following ketamine. Further investigation of relapse prevention strategies post-ketamine is necessary. Copyright © 2009 CINP.
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Increasing evidence has suggested that oxidative stress may be involved in the pathogenesis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The antioxidant vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) has been shown to slow down the onset and progression of the paralysis in transgenic mice expressing a mutation in the superoxide dismutase gene found in certain forms of familial ALS. The current study, a double blind, placebo-controlled, randomised, stratified, parallel-group clinical trial, was designed to determine whether vitamin E (5000 mg per day) may be efficacious in slowing down disease progression when added to riluzole.
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The N-methyl-D-aspartate antagonist ketamine has rapid antidepressant effects in patients with treatment-resistant major depression (TRD); these effects have been reported to last for 1 week in some patients. However, the extent and duration of this antidepressant effect over longer periods has not been well characterized under controlled conditions. Riluzole, a glutamatergic modulator with antidepressant and synaptic plasticity-enhancing effects, could conceivably be used to promote the antidepressant effects of ketamine. This study sought to determine the extent and time course of antidepressant improvement to a single-ketamine infusion over 4 weeks, comparing the addition of riluzole vs placebo after the infusion. Forty-two subjects (18-65) with TRD and a Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS) score of ≥ 22 received a single intravenous infusion of ketamine (0.5 mg/kg). Four to six hours post-infusion, subjects were randomized to double-blind treatment with either riluzole (100-200 mg/day; n=21) or placebo (n=21) for 4 weeks. Depressive symptoms were rated daily. A significant improvement (P<0.001) in MADRS scores from baseline was found. The effect size of improvement with ketamine was initially large and remained moderate throughout the 28-day trial. Overall, 27% of ketamine responders had not relapsed by 4 weeks following a single ketamine infusion. The average time to relapse was 13.2 days (SE=2.2). However, the difference between the riluzole and placebo treatment groups was not significant, suggesting that the combination of riluzole with ketamine treatment did not significantly alter the course of antidepressant response to ketamine alone.
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Primary objective:
* The primary objective of the study is to establish that riluzole slows down (1) the decrease in total functional capacity (TFC), (2) the increase of the motor score of the Unified Huntington\'s Disease Rating Scale (UHDRS) as well as (3) the increase of a combined score of these.
Secondary objectives:
Secondary objectives are to assess
* changes in the other UHDRS subscales
* the number of patients who need antichoreic treatment and the time until this treatment has to be initiated
* the safety/tolerability of riluzole in Huntington patients