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La acatisia aguda es un trastorno del movimiento bastante molesto, caracterizado por sensación subjetiva y signos objetivos de inquietud motora, que se presenta frecuentemente como efecto adverso de los neurolépticos; un tratamiento oportuno es necesario para garantizar una buena adherencia al manejo con antipsicóticos y prevenir recaídas. Se describe el estado actual de los tratamientos disponibles para la acatisia aguda inducida por neurolépticos, valorando efectividad y tolerabilidad. Se realizó una búsqueda electrónica en Pubmed, Science Alert, Springer link, SciELO, Ovid y Elsevier con criterios de selección específicos, obteniendo 87 estudios, de los cuales se escogieron 51 teniendo en cuenta relevancia clínica, nivel de evidencia y actualidad. En este artículo se describen los resultados de la búsqueda. Las benzodiacepinas, los betabloqueadores lipofílicos de acción central y los anticolinérgicos son los fármacos más estudiados para el tratamiento de este trastorno del movimiento; los dos primeros han mostrado superioridad, sin embargo, se necesita aún bastante investigación al respecto.
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Este artículo incluye 2 Estudios primarios 2 Estudios primarios (2 referencias)
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Este artículo incluye 4 Estudios primarios 4 Estudios primarios (4 referencias)
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Evaluated the use of propranolol as a primary treatment in a randomized double-blind clinical trial of propranolol vs placebo as a single treatment of neuroleptic-induced akathisia in 11 schizophrenic patients (aged 21–57 yrs). Propranolol in doses of 60 mg/day was not effective within 48 hrs when used as the primary akathisia treatment in schizophrenic Ss.
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Background: The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of a conceptually driven, multicomponent strategy for implementing guidelines to improve akathisia in schizophrenia. Methods: Patients included in the study were recruited from 6 Veterans Affairs Medical Centers (VAMCs) that were split into geographically matched pairs with 3 VAMCs receiving basic education and 3 receiving enhanced intervention to promote guideline-concordant treatment and patient adherence. Results: Of 293 patients with baseline and 6-month follow-up Barnes Akathisia Rating Scale (BARS) scores, results of both non-parametric and parametric repeated measures ANOVA showed several significant site-pair intervention effects, though the patterns were not consistent across the site-pairs. Logistic regression results controlling for baseline akathisia diagnosis and for patient covariates showed varying effects of the intervention among site-pairs as well. Exploratory results for differences in akathisia in those on novel versus conventional antipsychotics are also presented. Conclusions: Akathisia tended to improve over time, but the enhanced guideline-implementation strategy did not consistently result in lower prevalence and severity of akathisia at all sites, apparently due to considerable differences in patient or site characteristics.
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Twelve DSM-IIIR diagnosed schizophrenics, with neuroleptic-induced akathisia (NIA), were treated with either propranolol or matched placebo for two days, followed by a treatment crossover phase for five more days. Raters and patients were "blind" to treatment. This study shows that 120 mg of propranolol a day is more effective than placebo in reducing akathisia, and that propranolol's antiakathisic effect may require several days of treatment.
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Este artículo está incluido en 2 Revisiones sistemáticas Revisiones sistemáticas (2 referencias)
The present study was designed to investigate the efficacy of clonazepam in neuroleptic-induced akathisia. Twelve patients were treated during 2 weeks with clonazepam or placebo in a double-blind randomized design. Akathisia was scored by an independent rater before and after treatment, as well as 1 week after medication withdrawal. Clonazepam (0.5-2.5 mg/day) induced a significantly higher reduction in the akathisia scores than placebo (p < 0.05). One week after stopping the drug, there was a partial but significant relapse in the treated group as compared with controls, in whom the symptoms remained stable. In addition, the clinical improvement was significantly correlated with the daily dose of clonazepam (rs = 0.827; p < 0.002). These results support the potential usefulness of clonazepam in the treatment of neuroleptic-induced akathisia and suggest an optimal daily dose in the range of 10-40 micrograms/kg.