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This clinical practice guideline is based on a systematic review of published studies on the treatment of glenohumeral osteoarthritis in the adult patient population. Of the 16 recommendations addressed, nine are inconclusive. Two were reached by consensus-that physicians use perioperative mechanical and/or chemical venous thromboembolism prophylaxis for shoulder arthroplasty patients and that total shoulder arthroplasty not be performed in patients with glenohumeral osteoarthritis who have an irreparable rotator cuff tear. Four options were graded as weak: the use of injectable viscosupplementation; total shoulder arthroplasty and hemiarthroplasty as treatment; avoiding shoulder arthroplasty by surgeons who perform fewer than two shoulder arthroplasties per year (to reduce the risk of immediate postoperative complications); and the use of keeled or pegged all-polyethylene cemented glenoid components. The single moderate-rated recommendation was for the use of total shoulder arthroplasty rather than hemiarthroplasty. Management of glenohumeral osteoarthritis remains controversial; the scientific evidence on this topic can be significantly improved.
Revisión sistemática
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Background: Mild to moderate osteoarthritis of the knee in people over 55 years of age is one of the diseases whose management is covered by the explicit guaranties in health system (GES) in Chile. All beneficiaries with the disease should be informed about their rights to receive free treatment. Aim: To assess the degree of awareness about their rights among patients with knee osteoarthritis, admitted to GES. Material and Methods: Two hundred forty one patients aged 55 to 93 years (180 women) with knee osteoarthritis admitted to GES, answered at their homes a survey about their rights to receive health care, included in the GES system and about their disease. Results: Fifty percent of patients did not know what GES system was, 26% admitted to have a limited knowledge and 24%, a full knowledge. Sixty two percent were not informed about the nature of their disease and 42% perceived their health as less than optimal. There was a significant association between the level of knowledge about GES and osteoarthritis and their self-perception of health. Conclusions: Half of the patients with knee osteoarthritis surveyed, were not aware of their health care rights included in GES and received scanty information about their disease.
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/ Living FRISBEE
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La artrosis es la enfermedad articular crónica que presenta mayor prevalencia, en la cual el dolor es uno de los principales síntomas y el mayor determinante de la pérdida de funcionalidad. Se han planteado múltiples opciones terapéuticas, entre ellas la glucosamina, pero su real utilidad aún no ha sido claramente establecida. Utilizando la base de datos Epistemonikos, la cual es mantenida mediante búsquedas en múltiples bases de datos, identificamos 11 revisiones sistemáticas que en conjunto incluyen 35 estudios aleatorizados que responden la pregunta de este resumen. Extrajimos la información relevante, realizamos un metanálisis y preparamos tablas de resumen de los resultados utilizando el método GRADE. Concluimos que no está claro que la glucosamina disminuya el dolor o mejore la funcionalidad en la artrosis porque la certeza de la evidencia es muy baja.
Revisión sistemática
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Revisión sistemática
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Revisión sistemática
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Antecedentes: La ecografía se ha utilizado cada vez más para ayudar a la comprensión y manejo de las enfermedades reumáticas. En los últimos años ha habido un foco en la validez y utilidad de la ecografía en la demostración de patología de la articulación, aunque se ha centrado principalmente en la artritis inflamatoria.
Objetivos: Realizar una revisión sistemática de la literatura publicada que evalúa la ecografía como herramienta de evaluación en la artrosis.
Revisión sistemática
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Introducción: la gonartrosis es una enfermedad frecuente en la actualidad debido al envejecimiento de la población y la necesidad en este grupo de enfermos de una mejor capacidad funcional. Objetivo: profundizar sobre la utilidad de las escalas evaluativas en pacientes con gonartrosis. Desarrollo: en la presente revisión se utilizaron las bases de datos Medline, Hinari y Pubmed con más de 200 artículos sobre el tema de los que fueron seleccionados 51. Se abordan las escalas más usadas en pacientes que sufren de artrosis de la rodilla, entre las que se encuentran las dependientes en su totalidad de lo referido por los enfermos. Por otra parte, se hace referencia a la utilidad de la escala cuantitativa de Rasmussen, ya que se relaciona con aspectos muy importantes de la enfermedad que necesitan de valoración y evolución. En la última parte de la investigación se hace referencia a la nueva clasificación propuesta por la American Knee Society, donde por primera vez en una escala se combinan elementos subjetivos y objetivos. Conclusiones: la gradación de pacientes que sufren de artrosis de la rodilla es de vital importancia para determinar los resultados del tratamiento, tanto conservador como quirúrgico a corto y largo plazo; y de esta manera trazar estrategias efectivas que den respuesta a pacientes que padecen de esta enfermedad.
Revisión sistemática
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Background: Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most prevalent chronic joint disorder worldwide and is associated with significant pain and disability. Objectives: To assess the effects of viscosupplementation in the treatment of OA of the knee. The products were hyaluronan and hylan derivatives (Adant, Arthrum H, Artz (Artzal, Supartz), BioHy (Arthrease, Euflexxa, Nuflexxa), Durolane, Fermathron, Go-On, Hyalgan, Hylan G-F 20 (Synvisc Hylan G-F 20), Hyruan, NRD-101 (Suvenyl), Orthovisc, Ostenil, Replasyn, SLM-10, Suplasyn, Synject and Zeel compositum). Search methods: MEDLINE (up to January (week 1) 2006 for update), EMBASE, PREMEDLINE, Current Contents up to July 2003, and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) were searched. Specialised journals and reference lists of identified randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and pertinent review articles up to December 2005 were handsearched. Selection criteria: RCTs of viscosupplementation for the treatment of people with a diagnosis of OA of the knee were eligible. Single and double-blinded studies, placebo-based and comparative studies were eligible. At least one of the four OMERACT III core set outcome measures had to be reported (Bellamy 1997). Data collection and analysis: Each trial was assessed independently by two reviewers for its methodological quality using a validated tool. All data were extracted by one reviewer and verified by a second reviewer. Continuous outcome measures were analysed as weighted mean differences (WMD) with 95% confidence intervals (CI). However, where different scales were used to measure the same outcome, standardized mean differences (SMD) were used. Dichotomous outcomes were analyzed by relative risk (RR). Main results: Seventy-six trials with a median quality score of 3 (range 1 to 5) were identified. Follow-up periods varied between day of last injection and eighteen months. Forty trials included comparisons of hyaluronan/hylan and placebo (saline or arthrocentesis), ten trials included comparisons of intra-articular (IA) corticosteroids, six trials included comparisons of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), three trials included comparisons of physical therapy, two trials included comparisons of exercise, two trials included comparisons of arthroscopy, two trials included comparisons of conventional treatment, and fifteen trials included comparisons of other hyaluronans/hylan. The pooled analyses of the effects of viscosupplements against 'placebo' controls generally supported the efficacy of this class of intervention. In these same analyses, differential efficacy effects were observed for different products on different variables and at different timepoints. Of note is the 5 to 13 week post injection period which showed a percent improvement from baseline of 28 to 54% for pain and 9 to 32% for function. In general, comparable efficacy was noted against NSAIDs and longer-term benefits were noted in comparisons against IA corticosteroids. In general, few adverse events were reported in the hyaluronan/hylan trials included in these analyses. Authors' conclusions: Based on the aforementioned analyses, viscosupplementation is an effective treatment for OA of the knee with beneficial effects: on pain, function and patient global assessment; and at different post injection periods but especially at the 5 to 13 week post injection period. It is of note that the magnitude of the clinical effect, as expressed by the WMD and standardised mean difference (SMD) from the RevMan 4.2 output, is different for different products, comparisons, timepoints, variables and trial designs. However, there are few randomised head-to-head comparisons of different viscosupplements and readers should be cautious, therefore, in drawing conclusions regarding the relative value of different products. The clinical effect for some products, against placebo, on some variables at some timepoints is in the moderate to large effect-size range. Readers should refer to relevant tables to review specific detail given the heterogeneity in effects across the product class and some discrepancies observed between the RevMan 4.2 analyses and the original publications. Overall, the analyses performed are positive for the HA class and particularly positive for some products with respect to certain variables and timepoints, such as pain on weight bearing at 5 to 13 weeks postinjection. In general, sample-size restrictions preclude any definitive comment on the safety of the HA class of products; however, within the constraints of the trial designs employed no major safety issues were detected. In some analyses viscosupplements were comparable in efficacy to systemic forms of active intervention, with more local reactions but fewer systemic adverse events. In other analyses HA products had more prolonged effects than IA corticosteroids. Overall, the aforementioned analyses support the use of the HA class of products in the treatment of knee OA.
Revisión sistemática
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Síntesis amplia
/ Living FRISBEE
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La artrosis es la enfermedad articular crónica que presenta mayor prevalencia, en la cual el dolor es uno de los principales síntomas y el mayor determinante de la pérdida de funcionalidad. Se han planteado múltiples opciones terapéuticas, entre ellas el condroitín sulfato, pero su real utilidad aún no ha sido claramente demostrada. Para aclarar esta interrogante utilizamos la base de datos Epistemonikos, la cual es mantenida mediante búsquedas en múltiples fuentes de información. Identificamos 13 revisiones sistemáticas que en conjunto incluyen 50 estudios aleatorizados que responden la pregunta de este resumen. Extrajimos la información relevante, realizamos un metanálisis y preparamos una tabla de resumen de los resultados utilizando el método GRADE. Concluimos que no está claro si el uso de condroitín sulfato produce una mejoría en el dolor o la funcionalidad en la artrosis porque la certeza de la evidencia es muy baja.