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To assess the natural history of cholelithiasis in patients with cirrhosis, 32 charts coded for both diseases were retrospectively reviewed. Cholecystectomy was performed in 22 patients. Only two patients met criteria for acute cholecystitis and two patients had suspected choledocholithiasis. Despite the high incidence of preoperative jaundice (32%), no common duct stones were documented. There was no operative mortality. The complication rate was 45%. In 10 patients not operated upon, two patients died of liver failure and the remaining eight patients are alive 8 months to 13 years after diagnosis (mean: 46 months) with no active biliary disease. It is concluded that: jaundice in this subpopulation most often reflects hepatocellular injury and rarely biliary tract obstruction, there appears to be a much lower incidence of acute cholecystitis and choledocholithiasis in cirrhotic patients with cholelithiasis than in the normal population, and patients with cirrhosis and asymptomatic cholelithiasis can be safely managed without operation.
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Available evidence of the relationship between cholelithiasis, cholecystectomy, and risk of liver cancer and hence we conducted a meta-analysis to investigate the relationships. PubMed, EMBASE, and ISI Web of Knowledge were searched to identify all published cohort studies and case-control studies that evaluated the relationships of cholelithiasis, cholecystectomy and risk of liver cancer and single-cohort studies which evaluated the incidence of liver cancer among patients who understood cholecystectomy (up to February 2013). Comprehensive meta-analysis software was used for meta-analysis. A total of 11 observational studies (six cohort studies and five case-control studies) were included in this meta-analysis. The result from meta-analysis showed that cholecystectomy (risk ratio [RR]: 1.59, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.01-2.51, I2=72%) and cholecystolithiasis (RR: 5.40, 95% CI.: 3.69-7.89, I2=93%) was associated with more liver cancer, especially for intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (ICC) (cholecystectomy: RR.: 3.51, 95% CI.: 1.84-6.71, I2=26%; cholecystolithiasis: RR.: 11.06, 95% CI.: 6.99-17.52, I2=0%). The pooled standardized incidence rates (SIR) of liver cancer in patients who understood cholecystectomy showed cholecystectomy might increase the incidence of liver cancer (
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The current evidence in favor of the laparoendoscopic rendezvous is promising and demonstrates the main advantages of this technique in regard to shorter hospital stay and selective cannulation of the common bile duct (CBD), avoiding thus the inadvertent cannulation of the pancreatic duct. In addition, in the rendezvous technique the contrast medium is not injected retrogradely as during the traditional endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), when the medium accidentally could be injected under pressure into the pancreatic duct. The RV technique minimizes that risk. Both these main advantages of the RV technique over the classic ERCP, are related with a significant lower incidence of hyperamylasemia and post-ERCP pancreatitis, compared with the traditional two stage procedure. Choledocholithiasis is present in 10% to 15% of patients undergoing cholecystectomy. To date, the ideal management of CBD stones remains controversial. Prospective randomized trials have shown that laparoscopic management of the CBD stones, as a single stage procedure, is the most efficient and cost effective method of treatment. Laparoendoscopic rendezvous has been proposed as an alternative single stage approach. Several studies have shown the effective use of this technique in the treatment of CBD stones by improving patient compliance and clinical results including shorter hospital stay, higher success rate and less cost. The current evidence about the use of this technique presented in this review article is promising and demonstrates the main advantages of the procedure.
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Introducción: La laparoscopia es el estándar de referencia en el tratamiento de la colecistolitiasis. No obstante su efectividad es todavía poco conocida. El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar la evidencia disponible sobre la efectividad de la cirugía laparoscópica en el tratamiento de la colecistolitiasis y de la litiasis de la vía principal (LVBP). Material y Métodos: Se realizó una búsqueda en las bases de datos MEDLINE, EMBASE y la biblioteca Cochrane. Se consideraron todo tipo de estudios publicados entre 1988 y 2006. Se llevó a cabo la evaluación de la validez interna de la evidencia así como su calidad global. Resultados: Se seleccionaron 80 estudios (9 revisiones sistemáticas, 19 ensayos clínicos, 4 guías de práctica clínica, 15 estudios de cohortes, 1 de casos y controles y 32 series de casos). La colecistectomía laparoscópica (CL), respecto de la colecistectomía, se asocia a mayor tiempo operatorio, menor estancia hospitalaria y mejor calidad de vida, siendo un procedimiento relativamente seguro (calidad alta). El uso de profilaxis antibiótica no ofrece ningún beneficio en términos de disminución de la tasa de infecciones en pacientes de bajo riesgo [calidad alta]. Se han descrito multiplicidad de variantes tecnológicas para la realización de una CL, no obstante, la efectividad de las mismas es escasa y no concluyente. En el tratamiento de la LVBP, la cirugía en dos etapas es la estrategia más apropiada en pacientes de alto riesgo (calidad alta). La mortalidad es similar a la de la cirugía abierta y la efectividad es similar al tratamiento endoscópico (calidad alta). Conclusiones: La evidencia disponible es escasa y de baja calidad metodológica, situación que dificulta la formulación de recomendaciones. Son necesarios estudios de mejor calidad que evalúen de manera adecuada éstas técnicas.