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Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is a rare, aggressive tumor with a poor prognosis. In view of the poor survival benefit from first-line chemotherapy and the lack of subsequent effective treatment options, there is a strong need for the development of more effective treatment approaches for patients with MPM. This review will provide a comprehensive state of the art of new investigational approaches for mesothelioma. In an introductory section, the etiology, epidemiology, natural history, and standard of care treatment for MPM will be discussed. This review provide an update of the major clinical trials that impact mesothelioma treatment, discuss the impact of novel therapeutics, and provide perspective on where the clinical research in mesothelioma is moving. The evidence was collected by a systematic analysis of the literature (2000-2011) using the databases Medline (National Library of Medicine, USA), Embase (Elsevier, Netherlands), Cochrane Library (Great Britain), National Guideline Clearinghouse (USA), HTA Database (International Network of Agencies for Health Technology Assessment - INAHTA), NIH database (USA), International Pleural Mesothelioma Program - WHOLIS (WHO Database), with the following keywords and filters: mesothelioma, guidelines, treatment, surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, review, investigational, drugs. Currently different targeted therapies and biologicals are under investigation for MPM. It is important that the molecular biologic research should first focus on mesothelioma-specific pathways and biomarkers in order to have more effective treatment options for this disease. The use of array technology will be certainly an implicit gain in the identification of new potential prognostic or biomarkers or important pathways in the MPM pathogenesis. Probably a central mesothelioma virtual tissue bank may contribute to the ultimate goal to identify druggable targets and to develop personalized treatment for the MPM patients.
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The results of radiation therapy in the management of 27 patients with malignant mesothelioma were reviewed. Eight patients were treated with a curative intent combining attempted surgical excision of tumor (thoracic in 6 and peritoneal in 2), aggressive radiation therapy, and combination chemotherapy using an adriamycin-containing regimen. One patient achieved a 2-year disease-free interval followed by recurrence of tumor above the thoracic irradiation field. This patient was retreated with localized irradiation and is disease-free after 5 years of initial diagnosis. One patient has persistent abdominal disease at 18 months; the other 6 patients suffered local recurrence within 8-13 months of initiation of treatment. Radiation therapy was used in 19 other patients who received 29 courses for palliation of dyspnea, superior vena cava syndrome, dysphagia, or neurological symptoms of brain metastasis. A palliation index was used to determine the effectiveness of irradiation and revealed that relief of symptoms was complete or substantial in 5 treatment courses, moderately effective in 6 courses and inadequate in 18 treatment courses. Adequate palliation strongly correlated with a dose at or above 4,000 rad in 4 weeks. The management of patients with mesothelioma requires new and innovative approaches to increase the effectiveness of radiation therapy and minimize the significant potential combined toxicity of pulmonary irradiation and adriamycin.
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Introducción: El mesotelioma pleural maligno es un cáncer raro, agresivo y que presenta expectativa de aumento en la incidencia hasta 2030. Objetivo: Sintetizar las evidencias de eficacia y seguridad de los diferentes esquemas quimioterápicos de primera línea disponibles para el tratamiento del mesotelioma pleural maligno. Método: Se utilizaron las bases bibliográficas LILACS, MEDLINE, Scopus, Cochrane Controlled Trials Register y Web of Science. Se buscó estudios en la literatura gris. Los criterios de elegibilidad incluyeron ensayos aleatorizados de fase II o III, de pacientes con mesotelioma pleural vírgenes de tratamiento quimioterápico, sometidos a cualquier régimen terapéutico, teniendo como control otros esquemas quimioterápicos o control activo de síntomas, y presentando tiempo de supervivencia global, tiempo libre de progresión, respuesta tumoral y toxicidad como resultados. Todas las etapas fueron realizadas por dos revisores, de forma independiente. El protocolo de la revisión se registró en el International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO 2014: CRD42014014388). Resultados: Se incluyeron trece estudios de catorce esquemas terapéuticos. El único esquema uimioterápico que se presentó superior al comparador con significancia estadística en los tres resultados de eficacia fue cisplatino + pemetrexede. Cisplatino + pemetrexed y cisplatino + gemcitabina presentaron más casos de toxicidad grados 3 y 4. Conclusion: Existen buenas evidencias para recomendar combinaciones de derivado de platino y antifolato como opción de primera elección en el tratamiento quimioterápico del mesotelioma pleural. Más estudios clínicos son necesarios para basar decisiones de incorporación de los antifolatos en el tratamiento rutinario de esa neoplasia en Brasil.
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