Fluconazole and/or hexetidine for management of oral candidiasis associated with denture-induced stomatitis.

类别 Primary study
期刊Oral diseases
Year 2005
OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study was to compare the influence of fluconazole capsules and/or hexetidine mouthrinses for the management of oral candidiasis associated with denture stomatitis. DESIGN RELEVANT: Sixty-one patients (ages 43-76 years, mean: 61) admitted to the Department of Oral Surgery and Medicine and diagnosed as suffering from oral candidiasis associated with denture stomatitis by microbiological examination were involved. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Patients in group 1 (n = 21) were given only fluconazole capsules (Zolax 50 mg once a day), those in group 2 (n = 18) were given only hexetidine mouthrinses (Heksoral 0.1%, twice daily), whereas those in group 3 (n = 22) were given both fluconazole capsules and hexetidine mouthrinses for 14 days. The yeast colonies of the saliva samples were counted and calculated as the number of colony forming units per milliliter. The presence of yeasts in the lesion and denture samples were evaluated as present/absent according to their growth on cultures. Candida albicans was identified by means of germ tube analysis. RESULTS: Patients in groups 1, 2 and 3 had a statistically significant decrease in the amount of C. albicans in saliva, lesions and dentures after treatment, when compared with pretreatment results (P < 0.05). Candida albicans counts in saliva, lesion and denture after treatment detected no statistically significant difference when the three groups were compared. CONCLUSION: Of the three study groups, group 2, where hexetidine was the only medication prescribed, was found to be superior on account of fewer potential complications. We conclude that dentists should employ a more conservative intervention with oral mouthrinses rather than risk adverse effects and complications of systemic drugs for the management of oral candidiasis.
Epistemonikos ID: 0b1b11dad199593e83662b11ed74118a2063a79c
First added on: Mar 12, 2014