The effectiveness of dietary workplace interventions: a systematic review of systematic reviews.

类别 Broad synthesis / Overview of systematic reviews
期刊Public health nutrition
Year 2019
OBJECTIVE: To summarise findings of systematic reviews that distinctively report dietary intervention components and their effects on diet-, health- and economic-related outcomes in the workplace setting. DESIGN: MEDLINE, Embase, CINAHL, Web of Science, Cochrane Library and Google Scholar were searched in December 2014 and the search was updated in August 2017. RESULTS: The search identified 1137 titles, of which nineteen systematic reviews from the initial search and two systematic reviews from the updated search met the inclusion criteria (twenty-one systematic reviews, published in twenty-two papers). Most systematic reviews were of moderate quality and focused on dietary behaviour change outcomes and some health-related biomarkers. Evidence was strongest for interventions to increase fruit and vegetable intake, reduce fat intake, aid weight loss and reduce cholesterol. Few reported workplace-related and evaluation outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that workplace dietary interventions can positively influence diet and health outcomes. Suggestions for effective interventions components have been made.
Epistemonikos ID: b837e63bfc301d4c211aa9b6aa07ba21f4f66101
First added on: Feb 03, 2019