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Revista Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine : eCAM
Año 2011
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Most patients with fibromyalgia use complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). Properly designed controlled trials are necessary to assess the effectiveness of these practices. This study was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, early phase trial. Fifty patients seen at a fibromyalgia outpatient treatment program were randomly assigned to a daily soy or placebo (casein) shake. Outcome measures were scores of the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ) and the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) at baseline and after 6 weeks of intervention. Analysis was with standard statistics based on the null hypothesis, and separation test for early phase CAM comparative trials. Twenty-eight patients completed the study. Use of standard statistics with intent-to-treat analysis showed that total FIQ scores decreased by 14 in the soy group (P =.02) and by 18 in the placebo group (P .001). The difference in change in scores between the groups was not significant (P =.16). With the same analysis, CES-D scores decreased in the soy group by 16 (P =.004) and in the placebo group by 15 (P =.05). The change in scores was similar in the groups (P =.83). Results of statistical analysis using the separation test and intent-to-treat analysis revealed no benefit of soy compared with placebo. Shakes that contain soy and shakes that contain casein, when combined with a multidisciplinary fibromyalgia treatment program, provide a decrease in fibromyalgia symptoms. Separation between the effects of soy and casein (control) shakes did not favor the intervention. Therefore, large-sample studies using soy for patients with fibromyalgia are probably not indicated. © 2011 Dietlind L. Wahner-Roedler et al.

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Revista Rheumatology (Oxford, England)
Año 2004
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OBJECTIVE: To assess the efficacy of individualized classical homeopathy in the treatment of fibromyalgia. METHODS: This study was a double-blind, randomized, parallel-group, placebo-controlled trial of homeopathy. Community-recruited persons (N = 62) with physician-confirmed fibromyalgia (mean age 49 yr, s.d. 10 yr, 94% women) were treated in a homeopathic private practice setting. Participants were randomized to receive oral daily liquid LM (1/50,000) potencies with an individually chosen homeopathic remedy or an indistinguishable placebo. Homeopathic visits involved joint interviews and concurrence on remedy selection by two experienced homeopaths, at baseline, 2 months and 4 months (prior to a subsequent optional crossover phase of the study which is reported elsewhere). Tender point count and tender point pain on examination by a medical assessor uninvolved in providing care, self-rating scales on fibromyalgia-related quality of life, pain, mood and global health at baseline and 3 months, were the primary clinical outcome measures for this report. RESULTS: Fifty-three people completed the treatment protocol. Participants on active treatment showed significantly greater improvements in tender point count and tender point pain, quality of life, global health and a trend toward less depression compared with those on placebo. CONCLUSIONS: This study replicates and extends a previous 1-month placebo-controlled crossover study in fibromyalgia that pre-screened for only one homeopathic remedy. Using a broad selection of remedies and the flexible LM dose (1/50,000 dilution factor) series, the present study demonstrated that individualized homeopathy is significantly better than placebo in lessening tender point pain and improving the quality of life and global health of persons with fibromyalgia.

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Revista Journal of Nutritional & Environmental Medicine
Año 2000
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Revista Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism
Año 1994
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Revista Scandinavian journal of rheumatology
Año 1991
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S-adenosilmetionina es un fenómeno relativamente nuevo fármaco anti-inflamatorio con efectos analgésicos y antidepresivos. La eficacia de 800 mg administrada por vía oral s-adenosilmetionina al día frente a placebo durante seis semanas se investigó en 44 pacientes con fibromialgia primaria, en contextos de doble ciego. El marcador tierna punto, la fuerza muscular isocinética, actividad de la enfermedad, los síntomas subjetivos (escala analógica visual), se evaluaron parámetros del estado de ánimo y los efectos secundarios. Se observaron mejorías para la actividad de la enfermedad clínica (p = 0,04), dolor experimentado durante la última semana (p = 0,002), fatiga (p = 0,02), la rigidez matutina (p = 0,03) y el estado de ánimo evaluado por la escala de rostros (P = 0,006) en el grupo tratado activamente en comparación con placebo. La puntuación tierna punto, la fuerza muscular isocinética, el estado de ánimo evaluada por el Inventario de Depresión de Beck y los efectos secundarios no fueron diferentes en los dos grupos de tratamiento. S-adenosilmetionina tiene algunos efectos beneficiosos sobre la fibromialgia primaria y podría ser una opción importante en el tratamiento del mismo.

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Revista BMJ (Clinical research ed.)
Año 1989
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Autores Fisher, Peter
Revista British Homoeopathic journal
Año 1986
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A small number of double-blind, placebo-controlled trials of homœopathic treatment in rheumatological conditions have been carried out. These have used differing methodologies, leading to varying results. This paper describes a novel approach in the treatment of fibrositis, a syndrome which lacks a pathological definition, but is defined solely in terms of its symptomatology. 24 patients were prescribed for 3 months, according to indication, one of three homœopathic remedies (Arnica, Bryonia, Rhus tox.), each patient remaining on the same remedy throughout. They were followed monthly on the following parameters: pain, number of tender spots and sleep. An ‘indication score’ was allotted to each prescription. The results were analyzed by non-parametric statistical methods, showing that homœopathy produced a statistically significant improvement, but only when the prescribed remedy was well indicated.