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Viral conjunctivitis is one of the most common disorders observed in ophthalmic emergency departments, yet no established treatment exists. Lately, antiviral medications have been introduced into clinical practice; however, a systematic review focusing on their use and effectiveness in the treatment of viral conjunctivitis has not been previously reported. We systemically reviewed the literature to identify studies where antiviral drugs were used to treat viral conjunctivitis. Currently, aciclovir, trifluridine and valaciclovir are commonly used as antiviral agents to treat herpesvirus infections. Cidofovir has been used successfully to treat some cases of adenoviral conjunctivitis, although toxicity has also been reported. The use of other medications, such as idoxuridine, has been minimized in clinical practice due to their high toxicity. Interestingly, most of the antiviral drugs developed are used to treat herpesvirus infections, while less progress has been made in the field of adenoviral infections. For other viral causes of conjunctivitis, no effective remedy is currently available, and treatment focuses on the relief of symptoms. Caution should be exercised when coadministering other pharmacological agents, such as corticosteroids, because of emerging adverse effects.
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Bacterial conjunctivitis is common and occurs in patients of all ages. Typical signs are a red eye and purulent drainage that persists throughout the day. Gonococcal and chlamydial conjunctivitis must be treated with systemic antibiotics. Bacterial conjunctivitis due to most other organisms can be treated empirically with topical antibiotics. Red flags suggesting a complicated case requiring referral to an ophthalmologist include reduced vision, severe eye pain, a hazy-appearing cornea, contact lens use, and poor response to empirical treatment.
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In 84% of 700 consecutive cases of untreated acute conjunctivitis subjected to conjunctival cultures and scrapings, a presumptive etiologic diagnosis could be made based on standard microbiologic and cytologic criteria. Of these 583 cases, 264 were bacterial, 245 were viral, 51 were allergic, and 17 were chlamydial. In 75% of the cases, clinical impressions were consistent with laboratory findings. On the basis of these results, laboratory workup is recommended in (1) follicular conjunctivitis to differentiate viral from chlamydial processes, (2) purulent conjunctivitis to identify pathogens and decide on appropriate antimicrobial therapy based on sensitivity data, and (3) those cases in which the clinical picture is not sufficiently distinctive to suggest an etiologic diagnosis.
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With the emergence of chlamydia as a major cause of neonatal conjunctivitis, silver nitrate is no longer the prophylactic agent of choice in many parts of the world. We studied 450 consecutive newborns in north-eastern Zaire in an effort to determine which of two agents provided the most effective prophylaxis. None of 236 newborns treated at birth with 1% silver nitrate and none of 123 treated with 1% tetracycline was found to develop conjunctivitis. Three of 91 "forgotten" babies developed gonococcal conjunctivitis. Nurses, thinking tetracycline was "messy", tended to "forget" to treat babies for whom tetracycline was prescribed. The use of silver nitrate still provides adequate prophylaxis in Zaire. Potential changes in the prophylactic regimen would need to take the perceptions of health care workers into account.
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There has been uncertainty about whether antibiotic therapy confers significant benefit in the treatment of acute bacterial conjunctivitis. This study aimed to assess the efficacy of antibiotic therapy in the management of acute bacterial conjunctivitis. Using standard Cochrane search methods, we identified double-blind randomised controlled trials in which any form of antibiotic treatment (topical, systemic or combination) had been compared with placebo in the management of acute bacterial conjunctivitis. Data extraction and analysis followed a pre-defined protocol. Meta-analysis was performed to obtain summary measures of relative risk. Six published trials were identified, of which three fulfilled the eligibility criteria for inclusion in this review. The trials were heterogeneous in terms of their inclusion and exclusion criteria, the nature of the intervention, and the outcome measures assessed. Meta-analysis indicates that acute bacterial conjunctivitis is frequently a self-limiting condition, as clinical remission occurred by days 2 to 5 in 64% (95% confidence interval (CI) = 57-71) of those treated with placebo. Treatment with antibiotics was, however, associated with significantly better rates of clinical remission (days 2 to 5: relative risk (RR) = 1.31, 95% CI = 1.11-1.55), with a suggestion that this benefit was maintained for late clinical remission (days 6 to 10: RR = 1.27, 95% CI = 1.00-1.61). Acute bacterial conjunctivitis is frequently a self-limiting condition but the use of antibiotics is associated with significantly improved rates of early clinical remission, and early and late microbiological remission. Since trials to date have been conducted in selected specialist care patient populations, generalisation of these results to a primary care-based population should be undertaken with a degree of caution.
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Se pesquisan los casos con queratoconjuntivitis flictenular en la Asistencia Publica de Santiago durante dos meses, de los cuales se tomaron 60 pacientes y se efectua estudio etiologico con; radiografia de torax, P.P.D., hemograma y VHS, frotis conjuntival, cultivo conjuntivales, busqueda de foco septico oral, baciloscopia.Se los divide al azar en tres grupos y, por metodo doble ciego, se los trata con placebo, gentamicina y colirio gentamicina + dexametasona. La QCF constituye el 3,4% de las consultas y el 15,1% de las conjuntivitis. Mujeres fueron el 8l,1% y el 86.6% de los casos tiene entre 6 y 20 anos. Ningun caso se atribuyo a tuberculosis, solo se encontro PPD positivo en un tercio de los pacientes que creemos se debe a alergia a la vacuna BCG. En el 12% el cultivo encontro algun germen patogeno, el germen mas frecuente fue estafilococo dorado. El 53,3% revelo algo positivo como cultivo, o blefaritis, o acne, o foco septico oral. No hubo sospecha de etiologia viral. La lesion desaparece mas precozmente con gentamicina o colirio mixto de gentamicina con dexametasona que al tratarla con placebo (P= 0,01). Mientras que el paciente no encuentra diferencia en la desaparicion de los sintomas al tratarla con cualquiera de los tres tratamientos (P= 0,05)
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The eye has become the target of intense pharmacologic development because it represents one of the most active sites of allergic inflammation, due to it having no mechanical barrier to prevent the impact of allergens such as pollen on its surface. Over the past 20 years, we have witnessed an astonishing growth in therapeutic advances, ranging essentially from derivatives of simple aspirin to various newly developed biological immunomodulatory agents, using implantable drug delivery devices that exceed the safety and efficacy of those available for other organ systems and resorting to advanced surgical techniques for the correction of sight-threatening, disease-related complications. Overall, with the expanding knowledge base, the intricacy of ocular inflammation appears to be becoming ever more manageable and the clinical allergist/immunologist has an increasing role in the treatment outcomes of patients with anterior inflammatory disorders of the ocular surface primarily allergic conjunctivitis but also including dry eye syndromes.